persistent svn error message

horst leitenmueller horst.leitenmueller at
Tue May 12 06:47:43 UTC 2015

hi Scott,

you have solved it now ? 

do you still geht the error if you do an update 

cd /usr/ports/databases/
svn up


you can also make a 

cd /usr/ports/databases/innotop
svn diff 

(   )
which shows you the differences from your svn tree to the remote one

please is problem still exists, do a 

cd /usr/ports/
svn info    

with this info i can check what happened with this node 

br horst

did you have deleted 
> On 12 May 2015, at 08:02, Scott Bennett <bennett at> wrote:
> horst leitenmueller <horst.leitenmueller at> wrote:
>> you can try to follow this posting
>> first:
>> svn cleanup   (in /usr/ports/)
>> if not helping you have to check WHY this node was not updated/ removed or whatever..
>> hope info helps a little
>     I took a look at that page.  Its example shows two error messages, the
> latter of which looks like the one I got.  But I didn't get any other error.
> Nevertheless, I did try the rest of the procedure, but it didn't make any
> difference (other than to download all the updates that had accumulated over
> the last several days that I had not been running "svn update" on /usr/ports.
>     However, the web site looked pretty cool, so I'm bookmarking it for the
> future. :-)
>     On Mon May 11 12:49:06 2015 David Wolfskill <david at> wrote:
>> I don't know what causes it, but if your /usr/ports is just an SVN
>> working copy, I suspect tha tthe easiest course of action would be to
>     It nearly is.
>> move it aside (by renaming it), then checking out a fresh new copy.
>> (You could then move over anything that hadn't been created by SVN,
>> e.g., the former /usr/ports/distfiles and /usr/ports/packages, and blow
>     I recovered distfiles and local patches, but...oops...forgot packages.
> However, I did back up the old /usr/ports, which is where I recovered the
> distfiles from, so I can get packages back, too.  Thanks for the reminder!
>> away the old /usr/ports -- or keep it around to try to figure out what
>> was causing the issue.)
>     Well, given that a new checkout got rid of the problem message, I can
> surmise that the problem was indeed on my system and not the server.  I'm
> unlikely to find the source of the problem, but the web page to which Horst
> directed me did have a comment added by a later poster that suggested that
> an interrupted svn run might have been the origin of the problem.  I don't
> like doing those checkouts because they take so long, which was why I was
> hoping to find a shorter method of correction.  Oh, well...on to the next
> problem on my list (but in a separate posting).
>     Thanks much to both of you for your replies.
>                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
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