FreeBSD Port: ghostscript9-agpl-9.15_1 Problem with accents

Ian Lord lordi at
Wed May 6 02:54:46 UTC 2015


I had a long discussion with developers of ghostscript about a bug I have on FreeBSD. With lots of troubleshooting, we arrived to the conclusion that the problem doesn't happen when building from source directly, but happens on a fresh install of FreeBSD when building the port.

To make it quick, gs renders images incorrectly with some fonts when there are accents. We suspect it might have something to do with freetype but we are not sure.

Is that something you want to look into ? If so, I can give you more details like the discussion I had with the ghostscript developers, and documents that cause the problem, etc.

Let me know if you are interested in fixing this. I'll gladly help.

For my part, Since it works when compiling from source, I'm ok, but other users might hit the same bugs if it's not fixed.

Ian Lord
Les solutions e-Z-max inc.
2540, boul. Daniel-Johnson, bureau 610
Laval, Québec, H7T 2S3
Tél: (514) 990-1516 #201
Sans Frais: (877) 990-1516 #201

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