I want to tell pkg to just forget about an installed port

Richard Kuhns rjk at wintek.com
Fri Mar 27 13:42:33 UTC 2015


How can I tell pkg to completely forget about an installed port, without
deleting it?

Specifically, I installed net-mgmt/observium a couple of months ago. I
really like it and have paid for a subscription so what is currently on
disk is mostly *not* what was installed by the port, so I'd like to tell
pkg to forget about it.


Richard Kuhns <rjk at wintek.com>     Main Number:      765-742-8428
Wintek Corporation                 Direct:           765-269-8541
427 N 6th Street                   Internet Support: 765-269-8503
Lafayette, IN 47901-2211           Consulting:       765-269-8504

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