WITH_OPENSSL_PORT documentation

Shane Ambler FreeBSD at ShaneWare.Biz
Mon Mar 9 01:19:03 UTC 2015

On 09/03/2015 05:54, Adam Weinberger wrote:
> Can somebody please write something---anything, even 2
> sentences---for the PHB about how to use WITH_OPENSSL_PORT? What
> users should set it to to get LibreSSL for example, and what porters
> are supposed to put in the Makefile to support it?
> The text at the top of bsd.openssl.mk just shows
> WITH_OPENSSL_PORT=yes. A few sentences would be a big help, and I'm
> sure the doc people would be happy to take care of all the markup and
> formatting for you.
> # Adam

I looked at it a few of days ago and didn't think there was an issue.

bsd.openssl.mk has -

# Use of 'USE_OPENSSL=yes' includes this Makefile after bsd.ports.pre.mk
# the user/port can now set this options in the makefiles.
# WITH_OPENSSL_BASE=yes - Use the version in the base system.
# WITH_OPENSSL_PORT=yes - Use the OpenSSL port, even if base is up to date
# USE_OPENSSL_RPATH=yes - Pass RFLAGS options in CFLAGS,
#                         needed for ports who don't use LDFLAGS
# Overrideable defaults:
# OPENSSL_PORT=         security/openssl

If you specifically want to use the base or port ssl you set either

If you want a specific ssl variation you can set OPENSSL_PORT to the
port you want to use. The default is security/openssl

So if you want to use libressl then you set WITH_OPENSSL_PORT=yes and

Porters should put USE_OPENSSL=yes in their Makefile, other settings
should only be added if necessary, leave the other options to the user.

FreeBSD - the place to B...Securing Domains

Shane Ambler

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