July 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Jul 1 04:43:19 UTC 2015
Ending: Fri Jul 31 16:02:23 UTC 2015
Messages: 326
- Pay for driving on toll road, invoice #0000691102
E-ZPass Agent
- poudriere with custom packages
Shane Ambler
- Does OpenMP (iomp5) work for clang-devel?
Shane Ambler
- Proposal to fix postgresql package maintainance nightmare
Shane Ambler
- Self committing... allowed or not?
Dimitry Andric
- NEW PORT for librdkafka
Fernando Apesteguía
- print/texlive-texmf failes to build in poudriere
Matthias Apitz
- problem re/ distfile for port print/scribus
Matthias Apitz
- NEW PORT for librdkafka
Ilya A. Arkhipov
- New 2015Q3 branch
Mathieu Arnold
- poudriere with custom packages
Mathieu Arnold
- Self committing... allowed or not?
Mathieu Arnold
- Self committing... allowed or not?
Mathieu Arnold
- Self committing... allowed or not?
Mathieu Arnold
- Makefile possibly broken: graphics/ImageMagick
Mathieu Arnold
- error message from Freshports after commit?
Mathieu Arnold
- error message from Freshports after commit?
Mathieu Arnold
- FreeBSD Port: python27-2.7.9_1
Albert Gabàs | Astabis
- FreeBSD Port: python27-2.7.9_1
Albert Gabàs | Astabis
- Unmaintained - RE: FreeBSD Port: kibana-3.1.2
Albert Gabàs | Astabis
- Trouble after Cacti upgrade
Daniel Austin
- Urgent: rainloop port update
- Urgent: rainloop port update
- net/liferea
- Please update www/owncloud
- Please update www/owncloud [Bugzilla 201687]
- Please update www/owncloud [Bugzilla 201687]
- update www/owncloud [Bugzilla 201687]: to commit ?
- Swat2
Timur I. Bakeyev
- Port request: zopfli (image compression)
Jan Beich
- devel/cmake fails with Signal 11
Rob Belics
- devel/cmake fails with Signal 11
Rob Belics
- devel/cmake fails with Signal 11
Rob Belics
- The mystery of the missing library.
Konstantin Belousov
- new upstream for teco
David Benfell
- virtualbox-ose-kmod fails to build in kernel epilogue
Scott Bennett
- virtualbox-ose-kmod fails to build in kernel epilogue
Scott Bennett
- Please help un-confuse me about vuxml
Warren Block
- Rebuilding my ports area
Warren Block
- Trivial bug? [corrected email, sorry]
Jeffrey Bouquet
- Trivial bug?
Jeffrey Bouquet
- pkg problem, not severe but tedious.
Jeffrey Bouquet
- Unresolved issue with libtorrent-rasterbar (1.0.4) port
- "tlmgr" on FreeBSD
Russell L. Carter
- port renaming
Freddie Cash
- The Early Interventionist mid July edition
The Parent Infant Centre
- opensmtpd-5.7.1 - cannot authenticate
Pietro Cerutti
- opensmtpd-5.7.1 - cannot authenticate
Pietro Cerutti
- opensmtpd-5.7.1 - cannot authenticate
Pietro Cerutti
- Makefile possibly broken: graphics/ImageMagick
Jos Chrispijn
- Makefile possibly broken: graphics/ImageMagick
Jos Chrispijn
- Proper way to get base <iconv.h> with autoconf?
Marcin Cieslak
- Proper way to get base <iconv.h> with autoconf?
Tijl Coosemans
- update for www/h2o to 1.4.2
Dave Cottlehuber
- net-im/ejabberd: some config options renamed?
Marko Cupać
- pkg: cannot fetch vulnxml file
Marko Cupać
- Building Latest links etc.
Marko Cupać
- print/texlive-texmf MASTER_SITE allows 10 ftp connections only?
Marko Cupać
- net-mgmt/pnp and nagios4
Marko Cupać
- pkg 1.5.0 is out
Baptiste Daroussin
- pkg 1.5.0 is out
Baptiste Daroussin
- Self committing... allowed or not?
Baptiste Daroussin
- Self committing... allowed or not?
Baptiste Daroussin
- Proposal to fix postgresql package maintainance nightmare
Baptiste Daroussin
- Proposal to fix postgresql package maintainance nightmare
Baptiste Daroussin
- Proposal to fix postgresql package maintainance nightmare
Baptiste Daroussin
- Proposal to fix postgresql package maintainance nightmare
Baptiste Daroussin
- Just a thought
Baptiste Daroussin
- databases/postgresql9[234]-server: LDAP support broken since last update!
Baptiste Daroussin
- error message from Freshports after commit?
Baptiste Daroussin
- error message from Freshports after commit?
Baptiste Daroussin
- mail/postfix default build options request: SASL
Brooks Davis
- Does OpenMP (iomp5) work for clang-devel?
Brooks Davis
- svn commit: r392851 - in head: . devel devel/libiomp5-devel devel/llvm-devel devel/llvm-devel/files lang/clang-devel lang/clang-devel/files
Brooks Davis
- The mystery of the missing library.
Bryan Drewery
- The mystery of the missing library.
Bryan Drewery
- You have receive a secure document
- FreeBSD Port: inadyn-mt-02.24.43
- FreeBSD Port: php56-5.6.10
- FreeBSD Port: samba42-4.2.2_1
- skype ports status and expectations
Sergey V. Dyatko
- Building Latest links etc.
Bob Eager
- Building Latest links etc.
Bob Eager
- Building Latest links etc.
Bob Eager
- Building Latest links etc.
Bob Eager
- net-mgmt/pnp and nagios4
Lars Engels
- Icinga Web 2
Lars Engels
- AUDITFILE default for ports users
Mark Felder
- AUDITFILE default for ports users
Mark Felder
- Port request: svgo (image compression)
Murk Fletcher
- Port request: jpeg-archive (image compression)
Murk Fletcher
- Port request: zopfli (image compression)
Murk Fletcher
- Port request: pngout (image compression)
Murk Fletcher
- Port request: zopfli (image compression)
Murk Fletcher
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at FreeBSD.org
- mail/postfix default build options request: SASL
Dewayne Geraghty
- sendmail patch fixes sasl kerberos
Dewayne Geraghty
- Does OpenMP (iomp5) work for clang-devel?
Dennis Glatting
- Does OpenMP (iomp5) work for clang-devel?
Dennis Glatting
- poudriere with custom packages
Michael Gmelin
- Premium Magento Ecommerce Services at an Affordable Price
Himansu Goyal
- FreeBSD Port: python27-2.7.9_1
Michael Grimm
- ports referenced in handbook but removed...
John-Mark Gurney
- Please help un-confuse me about vuxml
Chris H
- print/texlive-texmf MASTER_SITE allows 10 ftp connections only?
Chris H
- freebsd-ports Digest, Vol 633, Issue 2
Chris H
- pkg problem, not severe but tedious.
Chris H
- port renaming
Chris H
- Rebuilding my ports area
Chris H
- help categorise license
Chris H
- WARNING: 'automake-1.14' is missing on your system.
O. Hartmann
- databases/postgresql9[234]-server: LDAP support broken since last update!
O. Hartmann
- databases/postgresql9[234]-server: LDAP support broken since last update!
O. Hartmann
- Firefox and thunderbird not in the repos?
Hans de Hartog
- Building Latest links etc.
Patrick Hess
- building multimedia/ffmpeg results in tons of 'undefined references'
Raivo Hool
- Please update www/owncloud [Bugzilla 201687]
Dave Horsfall
- Rebuilding my ports area
Dave Horsfall
- FreeBSD Port: py27-vatnumber-1.2
Andrew Hotlab
- FreeBSD Port: py27-vatnumber-1.2
Andrew Hotlab
- FreeBSD Port: py27-vatnumber-1.2
Andrew Hotlab
- port renaming
Henry Hu
- Wal-Mart Secret Shopper Needed! Apply Now!!!
Denise Hurts
- Bug/199258 [new port] japanese/uim-mozc: Mozc engine for uim
Koichiro IWAO
- help update cad/z88 port
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- help update cad/z88 port
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- FreeBSD Port: postfixadmin-2.3.7_1
Ken J.
- Urgent: rainloop port update
Kurt Jaeger
- Urgent: rainloop port update
Kurt Jaeger
- Unresolved issue with libtorrent-rasterbar (1.0.4) port
Kurt Jaeger
- Unresolved issue with libtorrent-rasterbar (1.0.4) port
Kurt Jaeger
- Timeout if accessing bugzilla dashboard sub-link
Kurt Jaeger
- INDEX build failed for 8.x
Kurt Jaeger
- NEW PORT for librdkafka
Kurt Jaeger
- NEW PORT for librdkafka
Kurt Jaeger
- math/fxt update pending changelog
Kurt Jaeger
- FreeBSD Port: samba42-4.2.2_1
Kurt Jaeger
- Please update www/owncloud [Bugzilla 201687]
Kurt Jaeger
- NEW PORT for librdkafka
Kurt Jaeger
- FreeBSD Port: py27-vatnumber-1.2
Kurt Jaeger
- FreeBSD Port: py27-vatnumber-1.2
Kurt Jaeger
- FreeBSD Port: py27-vatnumber-1.2
Kurt Jaeger
- update for www/h2o to 1.4.2
Kurt Jaeger
- Icinga Web 2
Kurt Jaeger
- "tlmgr" on FreeBSD
Kurt Jaeger
- FreeBSD Port: python27-2.7.9_1
Kubilay Kocak
- Upgrading pngquant (nasty error)
Kubilay Kocak
- Urgent: rainloop port update
Kubilay Kocak
- Urgent: rainloop port update
Kubilay Kocak
- mail/postfix default build options request: SASL
Kubilay Kocak
- mail/postfix default build options request: SASL
Kubilay Kocak
- Bug/199258 [new port] japanese/uim-mozc: Mozc engine for uim
Kubilay Kocak
- Timeout if accessing bugzilla dashboard sub-link
Kubilay Kocak
- help categorise license
Kubilay Kocak
- help categorise license
Kubilay Kocak
- Problem install port
Kubilay Kocak
- Freight Estimation
Freight Report LLC
- mail/postfix default build options request: SASL
Miroslav Lachman
- FreeBSD Port: devel/cmake - cannot build without py-babel
Miroslav Lachman
- FreeBSD Port: devel/cmake - cannot build without py-babel
Miroslav Lachman
- INDEX build failed for 8.x
Erwin Lansing
- FreeBSD Port: sysutils/gosa
Thomas Finstad Larsen
- ports referenced in handbook but removed...
Dru Lavigne
- error message from Freshports after commit?
Alexander Leidinger
- error message from Freshports after commit?
Alexander Leidinger
- error message from Freshports after commit?
Alexander Leidinger
- error message from Freshports after commit?
Alexander Leidinger
- error message from Freshports after commit?
Alexander Leidinger
- Trouble after Cacti upgrade
Craig Leres
- Just a thought
Don Lewis
- freebsd-ports Digest, Vol 633, Issue 2
Nikolai Lifanov
- sysutils/py-ranger
Daniel Lin
- port renaming
Mark Linimon
- Icinga Web 2
Per olof Ljungmark
- Icinga Web 2
Per olof Ljungmark
- Icinga Web 2
Per olof Ljungmark
- help categorise license
Vitaly Magerya
- help categorise license
Vitaly Magerya
- poudriere with custom packages
Aristedes Maniatis
- poudriere with custom packages
Aristedes Maniatis
- poudriere with custom packages
Aristedes Maniatis
- mail/postfix default build options request: SASL
Roger Marquis
- net/liferea
Koop Mast
- Proposal to fix postgresql package maintainance nightmare
Christoph Moench-Tegeder
- FreeBSD Port: devel/cmake - cannot build without py-babel
Kris Moore
- troubles with ports building with system-wide ccache enabled
Dmitry Morozovsky
- mail/postfix default build options request: SASL
Carmel NY
- Swat2
Carmel NY
- "tlmgr" on FreeBSD
Carmel NY
- "tlmgr" on FreeBSD
Carmel NY
- "tlmgr" on FreeBSD
Carmel NY
- "tlmgr" on FreeBSD
Carmel NY
- The mystery of the missing library.
David Naylor
- The mystery of the missing library.
David Naylor
- The mystery of the missing library.
David Naylor
- The mystery of the missing library.
David Naylor
- freebsd-ports Digest, Vol 633, Issue 2
Kevin Oberman
- virtualbox-ose-kmod fails to build in kernel epilogue
Kevin Oberman
- Please update www/owncloud
Kevin Oberman
- virtualbox-ose-kmod fails to build in kernel epilogue
Kevin Oberman
- print/texlive-texmf MASTER_SITE allows 10 ftp connections only?
Kevin Oberman
- Port request: zopfli (image compression)
Kevin Oberman
- mail/postfix default build options request: SASL
Gregory Orange
- mail/postfix default build options request: SASL
Gregory Orange
- port renaming
Kimmo Paasiala
- devel/cmake fails with Signal 11
Alex V. Petrov
- mail/postfix default build options request: SASL
Mel Pilgrim
- www/squid's cache dir
- www/squid's cache dir
- www/squid's cache dir
- www/squid's cache dir
Nick Rogers
- www/squid's cache dir
Nick Rogers
- The mystery of the missing library.
Bartłomiej Rutkowski
- The mystery of the missing library.
Bartłomiej Rutkowski
- opensmtpd-5.7.1 - cannot authenticate
- error message from Freshports after commit?
Boris Samorodov
- error message from Freshports after commit?
Boris Samorodov
- error message from Freshports after commit?
Boris Samorodov
- problem re/ distfile for port print/scribus
Boris Samorodov
- Please help un-confuse me about vuxml
Matthew Seaman
- poudriere with custom packages
Matthew Seaman
- poudriere with custom packages
Matthew Seaman
- port renaming
Matthew Seaman
- poudriere with custom packages
Matthew Seaman
- Building Latest links etc.
Matthew Seaman
- Self committing... allowed or not?
Matthew Seaman
- Proposal to fix postgresql package maintainance nightmare
Matthew Seaman
- pkg 1.5.0 is out
Hans Petter Selasky
- net/liferea
- sysutils/py-ranger
- sysutils/py-ranger
- help update cad/z88 port
Anton Shterenlikht
- help update cad/z88 port
Anton Shterenlikht
- help update cad/z88 port
Anton Shterenlikht
- help categorise license
Anton Shterenlikht
- skype ports status and expectations
Anton Shterenlikht
- skype ports status and expectations
Anton Shterenlikht
- Is gcc profile build broken?
Dmitry Sivachenko
- Firefox and thunderbird not in the repos?
Herbert J. Skuhra
- opensmtpd-5.7.1 - cannot authenticate
Herbert J. Skuhra
- pkg 1.5.0 is out
Ulrich Spörlein
- port renaming
Vsevolod Stakhov
- port renaming
Vsevolod Stakhov
- port renaming
Vsevolod Stakhov
- poudriere with custom packages
Michelle Sullivan
- poudriere with custom packages
Michelle Sullivan
- Self committing... allowed or not?
Michelle Sullivan
- Self committing... allowed or not?
Michelle Sullivan
- Self committing... allowed or not?
Michelle Sullivan
- Self committing... allowed or not?
Michelle Sullivan
- Self committing... allowed or not?
Michelle Sullivan
- Self committing... allowed or not?
Michelle Sullivan
- Self committing... allowed or not?
Michelle Sullivan
- Proposal to fix postgresql package maintainance nightmare
Michelle Sullivan
- Proposal to fix postgresql package maintainance nightmare
Michelle Sullivan
- Proposal to fix postgresql package maintainance nightmare
Michelle Sullivan
- Proposal to fix postgresql package maintainance nightmare
Michelle Sullivan
- Just a thought
Michelle Sullivan
- AUDITFILE default for ports users
Ion-Mihai Tetcu
- AUDITFILE default for ports users
Ion-Mihai Tetcu
- www/squid's cache dir
Pavel Timofeev
- bug report 198925
Pavel Timofeev
- Confirm your Twitter account, Casears Dealtry
- Reset your Twitter password
- Your Twitter password has been changed
- Samba 3.6 -> 4.2 upgrade
Andrea Venturoli
- Problem with Samba-4.1 on -CURRENT
Andrea Venturoli
- Can't use nmap on 10.1
Andrea Venturoli
- Can't use nmap on 10.1
Andrea Venturoli
- Trouble after Cacti upgrade
Andrea Venturoli
- Trouble after Cacti upgrade
Andrea Venturoli
- NEW PORT for librdkafka
- denyhosts port
Brian W.
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
A.J. "Fonz" van Werven
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
A.J. "Fonz" van Werven
- "tlmgr" on FreeBSD
A.J. "Fonz" van Werven
- Pay Only When We Rank Your Keywords on Top....
Sophia Williams
- Please help un-confuse me about vuxml
David Wolfskill
- Please help un-confuse me about vuxml
David Wolfskill
- virtualbox-ose-kmod fails to build in kernel epilogue
David Wolfskill
- virtualbox-ose-kmod fails to build in kernel epilogue
David Wolfskill
- Rebuilding my ports area
David Wolfskill
- cmake fails if OSVERSION set in /etc/make.conf
Ben Woods
- port renaming
Anton Yuzhaninov
- port renaming
Anton Yuzhaninov
- INDEX build failed for 8.x
Ports Index build
- INDEX build failed for 8.x
Ports Index build
- INDEX build failed for 8.x
Ports Index build
- INDEX now builds successfully on 8.x
Ports Index build
- INDEX build failed for 8.x
Ports Index build
- INDEX now builds successfully on 8.x
Ports Index build
- NEW PORT for librdkafka
xoan carlos
- FreeBSD Port: sysutils/fusefs-encfs
Red deveeduriasciudadanas de colombia
- Proposal to fix postgresql package maintainance nightmare
joris dedieu
- [Bug 199703] [revive port] multimedia/tovid A suite of tools for creating video DVDs
bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
- [Bug 187884] [PATCH] science/minc2: update to 2.2.00
bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
- [Bug 193798] net-im/skype obsolete version, but problem on upgrade to newer
bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
- [Bug 199703] [revive port] multimedia/tovid A suite of tools for creating video DVDs
bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
- Upgrading pngquant (nasty error)
opendaddy at hushmail.com
- Upgrading pngquant (nasty error)
opendaddy at hushmail.com
- Can't use nmap on 10.1
- www/squid's cache dir
- www/squid's cache dir
- www/squid's cache dir
- www/squid's cache dir
- Urgent: rainloop port update
loic.blot at unix-experience.fr
- mail/rainloop port update
loic.blot at unix-experience.fr
- Problem install port
Ahmed Ben yahia
Last message date:
Fri Jul 31 16:02:23 UTC 2015
Archived on: Fri Jul 31 16:02:30 UTC 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).