Package issue updating a packag3

Doug Hardie bc979 at
Mon Jan 19 06:59:32 UTC 2015

I posted this on questions earlier and got no response.  In the meantime, I have a system that is not really functional.

I needed to update clamav-milter.  I used:

	pkg upgrade clamav-milter

The result was an error:

Checking integrity... done (1 conflicting)
pkg: Cannot solve problem using SAT solver:
conflict rule: The following packages conflict with each other: clamav-milter-0.98.5_1(r), clamav-0.98.5_1(r)
conflict rule: The following packages conflict with each other: clamav-milter-0.98.5_1(r), clamav-milter-0.98.5_1(r)
upgrade rule: upgrade local clamav-milter-0.98.4_1 to remote clamav-milter-0.98.5_1
cannot install package clamav-milter, remove it from request? [Y/n]: n

pkg list only shows clamav-milter, not clamav.  At one time I did have clamav installed, but deleted it.

So I used pkg delete clamav-milter.  That worked.

Then, pkg install clamav-milter.  Same errors.  How do I recover and get an updated clamav-milter?

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