[New Port] Working on Gitlab - Calling for Help and Ideas

Alexander Yerenkow yerenkow at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 18:41:20 UTC 2015

Hi there, I just finished upgrading my gitlab installation on FreeBSD to

I found that pretty all could be installed either via ports or via gems,
but of course port for gitlab would be awesome.
One thing - we got gem which can't be built vanilla on FreeBSD due to
something changed in krb5.
That's timfel-krb5-auth.
So, I made port for this gem, it's not polished, but it definitely
something to start with:

So, if you'll get stuck in same place, you should get this port :)
Thanks for your work!

2015-04-24 18:44 GMT+03:00 Torsten Zuehlsdorff <mailinglists at toco-domains.de

> Hello,
> Johannes pointed me to the gem file of gitlab. Now its clear, that all
> ruby-gem dependencies most be solved first.
> I've created an chart of all ruby-gem dependencies excluding the groups
> "development" and "test":
> http://ports.toco-domains.de/gitlab-gem-dependencies.html
> There are 96 dependencies in total.
> - 16 are not in the ports
> - 9 are in the ports, but outdated
> - 13 are in the ports, but more actual than allowed
> - 58 are in the port and newer than needed -they should (!) be fine
> Until Monday i have no time to work on this stack of gems. I've already
> created a patch for devel/rubygem-gitlab_git and its dependency
> devel/rubygem-rugged. The bug-entries are linked in the list.
> If somebody of you decides to work on an entry, please write me an email
> and i will register it (at Monday).
> I will continue my work next week.
> Thanks to all and have a nice weekend,
> Torsten
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Alexander Yerenkow

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