Pourdriere produces faulty build results due to bsd.openssl.mk bug

Guido Falsi mad at madpilot.net
Wed Apr 1 22:08:16 UTC 2015

On 04/01/15 23:37, Yuri wrote:
> On 04/01/2015 14:30, Guido Falsi wrote:
>> Some examples of things that could (and will) go wrong:
>> - ports silently linking to base ssl due to weirdness in their build
>> scripts
>> - ports linking to other libraries in base which are linked to base ssl,
>> causing conflicts
>> - ports interacting with base parts, which are using base ssl.
> I am going to write the stage-qa test checking for just that: no base
> libraries of certain kinds are mixed into the link list.

This would be good.

What I am most worried about, though, are problems showing up at runtime
only on specific configurations or use cases.

This would help nailing them down.

Check the last entry about asterisk in UPDATING too (I maintain it and
that one did hit me on a server of mine)

Guido Falsi <mad at madpilot.net>

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