Heads up audio/video/graphics/multimedia/net/streaming port maintainers - ACTION REQUIRED

Michelle Sullivan michelle at sorbs.net
Tue Sep 16 19:05:34 UTC 2014

Thomas Zander wrote:
> I have prepared a drop-in replacement for the ffmpeg port which uses
> the recent 2.4 release. You can download it from:
> http://people.freebsd.org/~riggs/ffmpeg-2.4.tar.xz
> Please check whether the ports maintained by you build and link with
> this version and prepare a suitable fix if necessary.

Any reason why you can't create an 'ffmpeg24' port so it can go live
then people can create a a port option to turn on using the later
version - then when the ports are all updated you can just 'switch it to
the default'... that seems to be the way the ports tree has been handled
over the last year.

Michelle Sullivan

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