Status of ntopng

Andrea Venturoli ml at
Fri Oct 24 21:49:26 UTC 2014


I need to get some meaningful stats on a network and ideally be able to 
do some analysis on traffic.

On this net there are two 8.4 boxes acting as routers in parallel; so I 
would really appreciate if I could aggregate data from both sources and 
work on it as a whole.

What's the status of ntopng?
A port is there, but:
_ it does not work on 8.4, so I had to install it on a third box;
_ the rc.d script is not working (only a minor problem, actually, as I 
can fix it, but it makes me wonder...);
_ nowhere I could fine nProbe (which, if I get it right, is essential in 
my setup): it's not in ntopng port, and there's no dedicated port.

So, am I looking in the wrong direction? Is ntopng still not ready for 
usage on FreeBSD?
Any alternative software?

  bye & Thanks

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