CFT: CentOS 6.6 base + userland

Kris Moore kris at
Tue Nov 4 21:14:25 UTC 2014

On 11/04/2014 15:41, Johannes Meixner wrote:
> Hello,
> I've spent the last few hours porting CentOS 6.6 to FreeBSD.
> Given RHEL6 (and derived CentOS 6.x) policy of no-surprises, it was pretty easy
> to bump those versions that actually did change.
> I've tested it with poudriere locally, verified that Skype still works ;-),
> and would be happy if you could all test away. 
> Please check if your favorite games, things like crashplan, matlab, and other
> Linux software still works, and notify me if it doesn't for any reason.
> You can find a patch to ports revision 372146 here:
> Best regards,
> -xmj

Does running skype require the lemul branch still, or what minimum
version of FreeBSD?

Kris Moore
PC-BSD Software

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