FreeBSD Port: ejabberd-2.1.13 - Release updates available; 14.05, 13.12 & 13.10

Dewayne Geraghty dewayne.geraghty at
Wed May 14 01:35:25 UTC 2014

On 14/05/2014 11:09 AM, Gio wrote:
> Dear ashish,
> I would like to bring to your attention that the ejabberd-2.1.13 port
> should be
> updated to the latest release: ejabberd Community 14.05 dated 13 May 2014.
> Prior to the current ejabberd 14.05 release there was also a 13.12 release
> dated 16 December 2013 and a 13.10 release dated 09 October 2013.
> Support for ejabberd 2.1.x has been discontinued.
> See:
> If there is anything I can do to help with updating the port please let
> me know.
> Regards
> Gio
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Thank for the advise, though it is better to submit your requests via
the Problem Reporting mechanism at

This will be sent to the maintainer of the port, and provides a
consistent way for everyone to search for and track issues/requests. 

If you place, at the  beginning of your synopsis:
the PR is sent, directly to the maintainer.  And the category is "ports"

If there are security vulnerabilities that have been discovered but not
disclosed via portaudit, which isn't the case here, you should notify
ports-security at  They're very responsive.

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