ACTION REQUIRED - Unstaged Ports being DEPRECATED on June 31st.

Matthias Apitz guru at
Sat May 10 20:35:37 UTC 2014

El día Saturday, May 10, 2014 a las 01:18:31PM -0700, Thomas Mueller escribió:

> from Bryan Drewery:
> > You are receiving this mail as it affects FreeBSD ports that you maintain.
> > In September 2013, the Ports framework learned how to Stage ports.
> > On June 31st, all unstaged ports will be marked DEPRECATED and have
> > their MAINTAINER reset.
> > On August 31st, all unstaged ports will be removed from the ports tree.
> > Read on for more details.
> (snip)
> When is June 31st?  June has 30 days, not 31.
> Did you mean July 1, June 30, July 31, May 31, or something else?        

I'd read it just as 'end of June' and 'end of August' and I think it is
pretty much clear what the intention is: put deadlines.


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