Unable to use ports on 8.3 or earlier since r352986

Gyrd Thane Lange gyrd-se at thanelange.no
Fri May 9 12:24:29 UTC 2014

Den 09. mai 2014 14:01, skrev Steven Hartland:
> Since the following commit ports is now broken on 8.3 and earlier.
> http://svnweb.freebsd.org/ports?view=revision&revision=352986
> Now while 8.3 is now officially EOL as of 9 days ago such a
> breakage so soon after the EOL seems very bad.
> Can we consider reverting this and only applying after a
> decent amount of time to give people the chance to update
> without preventing them from getting port security updates etc?

As a work-around it may be possible to install the devel/bmake port and 
use it for port management. (Disclaimer: have not tried it, but it 
should be possible in theory.)

Best regards,
Gyrd ^_^

>     Regards
>     Steve

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