Make loosing a variable (emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions)
Bernhard Fröhlich
decke at
Thu May 8 08:24:47 UTC 2014
I have just seen that jkim has committed a different fix that
should help with that issue. Could you please test to see if
it works for you?
On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 10:32 PM, Melvyn Sopacua <melvyn at> wrote:
> Hi Bernhard,
> On Sun, 4 May 2014, Bernhard Fröhlich wrote:
>> Am 04.05.2014 20:44 schrieb "Melvyn Sopacua" <melvyn at>:
>>> Hi,
>>> emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions always fails for me in the stage
>>> installation, so today I looked a bit further:
>>> Bad:
>>> install -o root -g wheel -m 444
>> /usr/obj/ports/usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions/work/VirtualBox-4.3.10/out/freebsd.amd64/release/bin/additions/
>> /usr/obj/ports/usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions/work/stage/usr/local/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
>>> Good:
>>> install -o root -g wheel -m 444
>> /usr/obj/ports/usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions/work/VirtualBox-4.3.10/out/freebsd.amd64/release/bin/additions/
>> /usr/obj/ports/usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions/work/stage/usr/local/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
>>> The difference between bad and good are the 17 missing in the shared
>>> object name. The bad line is created in a clean build and the good line
>>> if one invokes the install target immediately after that failed one.
>>> Is make really loosing a variable here or could this be a parallelization
>> issue in the upstream build system?
>> That command is part of the port makefile so it's for sure not an upstream
>> bug. Sounds like the xserver version that is used there is not read
>> properly in some case.
> I see and makes sense (Mk/
> .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/X)
> XSERVER_VER!= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/X -version 2>&1 | sed -n 's;^X\.Org X
> Server \([^ ]*\).*;\1;p'
> .endif
> ${LOCALBASE}/bin/X won't exist when this is evaluated, unless you cut up
> the build stages into a separate make depends followed by make install.
> I believe setting a default that is in sync with x11-servers/xorg-server
> in will fix all cases, since if it doesn't exist the
> dependency installed will be provided by that port and if it does, you
> got the one that was installed by the user.
Bernhard Fröhlich
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