INDEX build failed for 8.x
Ports Index build
indexbuild at
Sat May 3 06:05:54 UTC 2014
INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-8 - please wait.."Makefile", line 28: Unassociated shell command "--enable-cdi-lib --program-transform-name="" --with-zlib=/usr"
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
===> science/cdo failed
*** [] Error code 1
*** [/home/indexbuild/tindex/ports/INDEX-8] Error code 1
Stop in /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports.
*** [index] Error code 1
Stop in /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports.
1 error
Committers on the hook:
nemysis sunpoet
Most recent SVN update was:
Updating '.':
U graphics/gdal/Makefile
U graphics/grads/Makefile
U graphics/gmt/Makefile
U graphics/opendx/Makefile
D science/hdf5-18
D science/netcdf-ftn
D science/netcdf3-ftn
D science/netcdf4
A science/netcdf-fortran
A science/netcdf-fortran/pkg-plist
A science/netcdf-fortran/Makefile
A science/netcdf-fortran/distinfo
A science/netcdf-fortran/pkg-descr
U science/vmd/Makefile
A science/netcdf-cxx
A science/netcdf-cxx/pkg-plist
A science/netcdf-cxx/Makefile
A science/netcdf-cxx/distinfo
A science/netcdf-cxx/pkg-descr
U science/cdo/pkg-plist
U science/cdo/Makefile
U science/cdo/distinfo
U science/abinit/Makefile
U science/minc/Makefile
U science/rubygem-netcdf/Makefile
U science/netcdf/pkg-plist
U science/netcdf/Makefile
U science/netcdf/distinfo
U science/netcdf/pkg-descr
U science/minc2/Makefile
U science/v_sim/Makefile
U science/gnudatalanguage/Makefile
U science/pycdf/Makefile
U science/kst2/Makefile
U science/py-netCDF4/Makefile
U science/ruby-netcdf/Makefile
U science/fvcom/Makefile
U science/Makefile
U math/octave-forge-netcdf/Makefile
U math/grace/Makefile
U math/labplot/Makefile
U math/p5-NetCDF/Makefile
U math/petsc/Makefile
U math/gri/Makefile
U math/py-scientific/Makefile
U math/octave-forge-octcdf/Makefile
U multimedia/shell-fm/Makefile
U sysutils/rubygem-guard-minitest/Makefile
U sysutils/rubygem-guard-minitest/distinfo
Updated to revision 352865.
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