Blender + clang problem
Shane Ambler
FreeBSD at ShaneWare.Biz
Fri May 2 23:01:01 UTC 2014
On 02/05/2014 12:38, Nilton Jose Rizzo wrote:
> Hi all,
> When I try to install blender from ports, I get an error [1]
> that I don't know if is in the code or in then Clang (LLVM system)
> Not is exactly in Blender code but in openshadinglanguage port,
> I tried to fix it but I'm not having success
> look:
> [1]
> [ 19%] Building CXX object src/liboslcomp/CMakeFiles/oslcomp.dir/__/liboslexec/o
> slexec.cpp.o
> In file included from /usr/ports/graphics/openshadinglanguage/work/imageworks-Op
> enShadingLanguage-fb85664/src/liboslexec/shadingsys.cpp:39:
> In file included from /usr/ports/graphics/openshadinglanguage/work/imageworks-Op
> enShadingLanguage-fb85664/src/liboslexec/shadingsys.cpp:39:
> In file included from /usr/ports/graphics/openshadinglanguage/work/imageworks-Op
> enShadingLanguage-fb85664/src/liboslexec/llvm_headers.h:51:
> /usr/local/llvm34/include/llvm/PassManager.h:34:15: error: target of using decla
> ration conflicts with declaration already in scope
> using legacy::PassManager;
> ^
Yes that's openshadinglanguage failing.
That line with the error indicates that it is using llvm34 - osl
currently doesn't build with llvm34 and should be setup to use llvm33.
In /usr/ports/graphics/openshadinglanguage/Makefile there are three
places that have llvm-config33 - check that they are 33 and not 34
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