Fwd: Re: reason 23 why we've moved to linux
Freddie Cash
fjwcash at gmail.com
Sat Mar 22 19:10:39 UTC 2014
Forgot to reply to list.
Typos and terseness brought to you by the LG G2 running SlimKat.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Freddie Cash" <fjwcash at gmail.com>
Date: Mar 22, 2014 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: reason 23 why we've moved to linux
To: "Randy Bush" <randy at psg.com>
On Mar 22, 2014 11:49 AM, "Randy Bush" <randy at psg.com> wrote:
> > Honest question, have you been building things from source under
> > debian's ports or are you using their version of "pkg"?
> the latter
> and i have two 9 systems where i try to use freebsd-update. also a
> time-consuming rabbit hole leading nowhere pleasant. e.g.
> # freebsd-update upgrade -r 9.2-RELEASE-p3
> Looking up update.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 5 mirrors found.
> Fetching metadata signature for 9.2-RELEASE from update5.freebsd.org...
> Fetching metadata index... done.
> Inspecting system... done.
> The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed:
> kernel/generic world/base world/doc world/games world/lib32
> The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:
> Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y
> Fetching metadata signature for 9.2-RELEASE-p3 from
update5.freebsd.org... failed.
> Fetching metadata signature for 9.2-RELEASE-p3 from
update2.freebsd.org... failed.
> Fetching metadata signature for 9.2-RELEASE-p3 from
update3.freebsd.org... failed.
> Fetching metadata signature for 9.2-RELEASE-p3 from
update4.freebsd.org... failed.
> Fetching metadata signature for 9.2-RELEASE-p3 from
update6.freebsd.org... failed.
> No mirrors remaining, giving up.
As a counter-point, I just upgraded 4 systems running different versions of
9.1-STABLE to 9.2-RELEASE-p3 this week. Took only 1 work day to:
- migrate from single disk to zfs-on-root
- migrate from gmirror to zfs-on-root
- create new boot environment
- rebuild world to get back to "stock"
- use freebsd-update to get latest updates
- upgrade pkg
- upgrade/reinstall all packages
The longest part was rebuilding world to get things to a state where
freebsd-update could work. Everything after that took maybe an hour. I was
quite impressed by how quickly and easily things were updated/installed
using the binary tools.
Once you start using the binary tools and treat the FreeBSD systems like
Debian systems, everything works the same, with the same ease-of-use.
I did the same at home, going from FreeBSD 9.1 to PC-BSD 9.1 to TruOS 9
(rolling release) to PC-BSD 9.2. Didn't have to compile a thing.
The more I use only the binary tools, the more impressed with FreeBSD I
get. And I've been using it since 3.1/4.0 (although I do have 2.2 on CD).
The pkg team have been doing sine wonderful things. Once they stop changing
the config files, things will get even better. :)
Typos and terseness brought to you by the LG G2 running SlimKat.
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