Accommodating the security/heimdal port on FreeBSD10

Dewayne Geraghty dewayne.geraghty at
Wed Mar 19 01:59:13 UTC 2014

Some port maintainers on FreeBSD 10 are modifying various ports to
accommodate gssapi use from heimdal base.  Typically the change is
something like
LDFLAGS+=       -lgssapi_krb5
which works for heimdal in the base system, but prevents a package (or
port build) because in security/heimdal the content of libgssapi_krb5 is
contained within libgssapi; and so doesn't exist as a separate library.

Would it be possible to wrap this dependency within a
.if !defined(HEIMDAL_HOME)
LDFLAGS+=       -lgssapi_krb5

Its fairly standard practice to test for HEIMDAL_HOME which invariably
implies that the security/heimdal port is being used, and incidentally
identifies where the libraries are located.

Though a better solution, which also reflects the real dependency upon
the security/heimdal port
.if defined(HEIMDAL_HOME)
RUN_DEPENDS+=  ${HEIMDAL_HOME}/lib/${PORTSDIR}/security/heimdal
LDFLAGS+=       -lgssapi_krb5

As this also adds the heimdal port dependency into +COMMENTS (& possible
MANIFEST?), as well as build dependency. 

I'm not a port maintainer/committer, but for those that are, there are a
few ports that might be useful as a reference regarding use of the
heimdal port:

I don't have heimdal from base installed, which is why I noticed that
mail/dovecot2 was the most recent port that needed some additional
lines, so I figured it might help others rather than my patching just my
ports tree.

Regards, Dewayne.

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