
The BSD Dreamer beastie at
Wed Mar 12 13:12:18 UTC 2014

Its not doing the right thing about the change in origin....

So, its trying to build and install 'multimedia/libmtp' and conflicting with 

Had tried "make deinstall reinstall" of the port, but it also failed.  Then 
noticed that for "deinstall" it said:

   ===>  Deinstalling for multimedia/libmtp
   ===>   libmtp not installed, skipping

but "pkg info libmtp" showed it....

   Name           : libmtp
   Version        : 1.1.6_1
   Installed on   : Tue Feb  4 18:11:08 CST 2014
   Origin         : audio/libmtp

Guess something needs to tell it deinstall 'audio/libmtp' instead of 
'multimedia/libmtp' for this case.

Namely portmaster's REPLACE_ORIGIN mode, where it does a "pkg query" to find 
existing versions of the port and deletes them before (re-)installing the 

So, ended up invoking:

   portmaster -o multimedia/libmtp audio/libmtp

Though in retrospect, perhaps

   pkg set -o audio/libmtp:multimedia/libmtp

would've been sufficient?

On 2014-03-09 17:49, Ajtim wrote:
> Hi!
> Portmaster want to update multimedia/libmtp ion FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE 
> (amd64):
> ===>>> Starting check of installed ports for available updates
>         ===>>> The audio/libmtp port moved to multimedia/libmtp
>         ===>>> Reason: Moved from audio to multimedia
> ===>>> Launching child to reinstall libmtp-1.1.6_1
> ===>>> All >> libmtp-1.1.6_1 (1/1)
>         ===>>> The audio/libmtp port moved to multimedia/libmtp
>         ===>>> Reason: Moved from audio to multimedia
> ===>>> Port directory: /usr/ports/multimedia/libmtp
> ===>>> Launching 'make checksum' for multimedia/libmtp in background
> ===>>> Gathering dependency list for multimedia/libmtp from ports
> ===>>> Initial dependency check complete for multimedia/libmtp
> ===>>> Returning to update check of installed ports
> ===>>> All >> (1)
> ===>>> The following actions will be taken if you choose to proceed:
>         Install multimedia/libmtp
> ===>>> Proceed? y/n [y] y
> and  than I got am error:
> /usr/bin/make  install-exec-hook
> ln -f -s mtp-connect
> /usr/ports/multimedia/libmtp/work/stage/usr/local/bin/mtp-delfile
> ln -f -s mtp-connect
> /usr/ports/multimedia/libmtp/work/stage/usr/local/bin/mtp-getfile
> ln -f -s mtp-connect
> /usr/ports/multimedia/libmtp/work/stage/usr/local/bin/mtp-newfolder
> ln -f -s mtp-connect
> /usr/ports/multimedia/libmtp/work/stage/usr/local/bin/mtp-sendfile
> ln -f -s mtp-connect
> /usr/ports/multimedia/libmtp/work/stage/usr/local/bin/mtp-sendtr
> Making install in util
>  /bin/mkdir -p
> '/usr/ports/multimedia/libmtp/work/stage/usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig'
>  install  -o root -g wheel -m 444 libmtp.pc
> '/usr/ports/multimedia/libmtp/work/stage/usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig'
> ====> Compressing man pages (compress-man)
> ===>  Installing for libmtp-1.1.6_1
> ===>  Checking if multimedia/libmtp already installed
> ===>   Registering installation for libmtp-1.1.6_1 as automatic
> Installing libmtp-1.1.6_1...pkg-static: libmtp-1.1.6_1 conflicts with
> libmtp-1.1.6_1 (installs files into the same place).  Problematic file:
> /usr/local/share/licenses/libmtp-1.1.6_1/
> *** Error code 70
> Stop.
> make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/multimedia/libmtp
> *** Error code 1
> Stop.
> make: stopped in /usr/ports/multimedia/libmtp
> ===>>> Installation of libmtp-1.1.6_1 (multimedia/libmtp) failed
> ===>>> Aborting update
> ===>>> Update for multimedia/libmtp failed
> ===>>> Aborting update
> ===>>> Killing background jobs
> Terminated
> ===>>> You can restart from the point of failure with this command line:
>        portmaster <flags> multimedia/libmtp
> Thanks.

   Name: Lawrence "The Dreamer" Chen    Call: W0LKC
  Snail: 1530 College Ave, A5          Email: beastie at
         Manhattan, KS 66502-2768       Blog:

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