Staging - set owner/group/mode in pkg-plist for empty directory

Hans F. Nordhaug Hans.F.Nordhaug at
Tue Mar 4 14:33:24 UTC 2014


I'm trying to add staging to the Piwik port (at the same time as
updating to the new 2.1.0 release). AFAIK it's not possible to
set owner/group/mode for a directory in pkg-plist, only for files.
Is that correct?

Piwik comes with an empty tmp directory that needs to be writable
by the webserver. Using CHMOD naivly in the post-install target 
doesn't work.

What is the correct work-around?


PS! I can't test the port anymore with porttools ("port test").
I always get:

===>  Building package for piwik-2.1.0
Creating package /usr/ports/www/piwik/work/piwik-2.1.0.tbz
Registering depends:.
pkg_create: couldn't resolve path for prefix: /tmp/piwik-2.1.0: No
such file or directory
*** [do-package] Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/www/piwik.
*** [package] Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/www/piwik.
===> Error running make package

Is this a known issue? I haven't upgraded to pkgng yet.

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