How can I override global OPTIONS_UNSET for specific port in make.conf? www/xcache
Marco Steinbach
coco at
Fri Jun 20 00:08:02 UTC 2014
Marco Steinbach wrote on 19.06.2014 23:49:
> Miroslav Lachman schrieb:
>> I don't need DOCS, EXAMPLES etc. for each port as I normaly do not use
>> them on servers.
>> I have this line in make.conf
>> Now I need www/xcache port installed with EXAMPLES.
>> I tried following in make.conf:
>> xcache_SET= EXAMPLES
>> or
>> In both cases, xcache is installed without EXAMPLES.
>> So how can I have globally disabled EXAMPLES and enable it only for
>> one specific port?
> After some testing, I think this could be a bug in the handling of
> PORTEXAMPLES / PORTDOCS, since flipping EXAMPLES / DOCS options (and any
> other options I tried) with these switches works as expected.
> I'll try and have a go at this.
If a port does not explicitly define an option for a feature in its
Makefile, then a port specific setting for that option has no effect,
since it simply doesn't match against the options defined in the ports
IOW: If a port does not explicity define an EXAMPLES option, then a port
specific SET or UNSET for the EXAMPLES option in /etc/make.conf has no
Consequently, in the case of www/xcache, simply adding a dummy EXAMPLE
option to OPTIONS_DEFINE makes xcache_SET_FORCE=EXAMPLES work as
expected: It installs examples, overriding OPTIONS_UNSET_FORCE.
Depending on ones point of view, one could say, that this works as
advertised. But it's confusing and robs us of port specific _FORCE
flags in certain cases.
One possible solution could be, to have Mk/ detect the use
of PORTEXAMPLES and PORTDOCS in a port, and then silently translate
these into DOCS / EXAMPLES options (adding them to
${COMPLETE_OPTIONS_LIST}), if they're not present.
Without them popping up in a dialog, since that would be the maintainers
domain, and without persisting them, of course.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around these parts of the ports system,
though, in order to not accidentially break things.
MfG CoCo
PS: I'm taking bapt@ out of the loop again, until we're either
completely stuck or are able to produce a patch.
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