bugzilla auto committer assignment?
Koichiro IWAO
meta at vmeta.jp
Wed Jun 11 01:47:02 UTC 2014
I know bug tracking system moved to bugzilla but have some questions.
Is automatic committer assignment implemented? Is notification email
sent to the maintainer when someone opened a new bug?
GNATS assigned a committer automatically in a few minutes when I submit
a PR but bugzilla looks no. My bugs status are still "Needs Triage" [1].
I don't want to overlook patches sent to the ports I maintain.
[1] https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?bug_status=Needs%20Triage&component=Individual%20Port%28s%29&email1=vmeta.jp&emailreporter1=1&emailtype1=substring&list_id=3718&order=Importance&product=Ports%20Tree&query_format=advanced&resolution=---
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