[FreeBSD-Announce] FreeBSD bug tracking moves from GNATS to Bugzilla

Anton Shterenlikht mexas at bris.ac.uk
Tue Jun 3 22:14:28 UTC 2014

>Could bugzilla maybe allow email verified submissions without an account? So you report a bug with your email address and have to click verify in an email response to get it to a state people will look at it. That would eliminate the whole "oh no, one more account/password" hassle, but reduce spam and lack of working back channels.

Or what about a concept of a registered FreeBSD user?
Some sort of a database of users known to the project.
So that the info in send-pr will be enough to accept a PR,
perhaps with another id field or similar?

This still wouldn't allow anonymous posting, but
will remove the need to login each time.


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