[ANNOUNCEMENT] pkg 1.3.0 out!

Nathan Whitehorn nwhitehorn at freebsd.org
Sat Jul 26 19:53:03 UTC 2014

On 07/26/14 12:40, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 11:39:46AM -0700, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
>> On 07/24/14 23:56, John Hay wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 04:42:51PM +0200, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm very please to announce the release of pkg 1.3.0
>>>> This version is the result of almost 9 month of hard work
>>> ...
>>>> Thank you to all contributors:
>>>> Alberto Villa, Alexandre Perrin, Andrej Zverev, Antoine Brodin, Brad Davis,
>>>> Bryan Drewery, Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav, Dmitry Marakasov, Elvira Khabirova, Jamie
>>>> Landeg Jones, Jilles Tjoelker, John Marino, Julien Laffaye, Mathieu Arnold,
>>>> Matthew Seaman, Maximilian Ga?, Michael Gehring, Michael Gmelin, Nicolas Szalay,
>>>> Rodrigo Osorio, Roman Naumann, Rui Paulo, Sean Channel, Stanislav E. Putrya,
>>>> Vsevolod Stakhov, Xin Li, coctic
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Bapt on behalf of the pkg@
>>> Version 1.3 does better on armeb. It does not crash while installing
>>> itself, but still complains and get the architecture wrong:
>> [snip]
>> Would it make sense to get the architecture from the kernel, with a
>> manual override for cross-installs? It seems like that would prevent
>> cases like this permanently.
>> -Nathan
> THis will be completely rework including the patch you already sent me for pkg
> 1.4.0.
> regards,
> Bapt

Oh sure. I'm not suggesting this be done now, or even close to now. 
Adding in another case for armeb to the existing ELF logic is a far 
easier solution that fixes the immediate issue. Just musing about longer 

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