rebuilt, still a version error.
Jeffrey Bouquet
jeffreybouquet at
Wed Jul 2 19:28:32 UTC 2014
Replies at the bottom, in a paragraph or two...
On Wed, 7/2/14, Robert Huff <roberthuff at> wrote:
Subject: Re: rebuilt, still a version error.
To: ports at
Date: Wednesday, July 2, 2014, 8:38 AM
J Bouqet writes:
> /usr/local/lib/firefox/
> /usr/local/lib/libxul//
> /usr/local/lib/libxul/sdk/lib/
> /usr/local/lib/seamonkey/
> /usr/local/lib/thunderbird/
> Rebuilt libxul.
> IIRC that persists even after copying the new
libxul to the
> seamonkey location.
Sometime back I was told while doing this
is unlikely to damage
anything, it is in fact The Wrong Answer(tm).
There are specific reasons why (most)
Mozilla products build their own
versions of libxul, even when the supposedly suitable
standalone lib is
available. For more information, talk to the folks on
gecko at .
Which brings up the obvious
question: you rebuilt standalone libxul.
Did you also rebuild Firefox/Seamonkey/Thunderbird/etc.?
Robert Huff
freebsd-ports at
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Seamonkey has been rebuilt and fixed. Starting thunderbird rebuild...
To my recollection, I removed some stale older compat/pkg binaries which caused
the inadvertant rebuild of libxul, in a attempt to fix an mpv segfault (which does not
newly build.)
It turns out that rebuilding libxul often needs a new build (here) of seamonkey,
firefox, and thunderbird... Some sites only work here on a specific browser or two so
it is not non-urgent nor trivial. I was hoping some LD_PRELOAD construct or env
variable or extraction of an upstream .so file could make a few minutes work of a few
hours... and be noted for future reference, for those times it is more urgent.
As a side note, I wonder if the forum having "problems with ports and workarounds" as
a subsection (www ... devel ... lang... ) could put these list inquires into something more
useful to FreeBSD users, as the forum common usage, unless I am mistaken, is more
user-friendly, a more recent development, etc than the mailing list(s).
Now that I've a few persons attention, I learned this CLI this week, and had been searching for
something that worked similarly for years. Thanks to a reply this week at freebsd-questions.
#for F in www/dillo2 girara ; do { portmaster -d -B -P -i -g --update-if-newer lookat $F}; done; echo PMVR
('lookat' included because a port more-than-one is necc for portmaster to continue proceeding in this CLI)
(PMVR so one can search history for the specific CLI if one has forgotten it, one can put PMVR on the monitor or something)
and one to try debugging mpv
ldd /usr/local/bin/mpv | awk '{print $3}' | xargs -J % ldd % | less
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