configure scripts and FreeBSD-10

Thierry Thomas thierry at
Wed Jan 29 13:27:54 UTC 2014

Hello Stephen,

Le mer 29 jan 14 à 14:15:51 +0100, Montgomery-Smith, Stephen <stephen at>
 écrivait :
> I have ports with configure scripts that include lines like
> freebsd1*)
> Now obviously the script will choose this case when I am running
> FreeBSD-10 as well as FreeBSD-1.
> What solutions have people used to deal with this?    Does anyone have
> good examples of ports I can look at where this was solved?  Somebody
> sent me a patch that replaces freebsd1*) with freebsd1[!0]*), but that
> will fail when FreeBSD-11 comes out.

Just suppress the corresponding lines: we don't support FreeBSD-1!
And check that one of the other case is relevant.

Th. Thomas.
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