libiconv pulled in by pkg upgrade? lots of errors after that

Thomas Mueller mueller6724 at
Sun Feb 23 10:59:53 UTC 2014

> pkg upgrade pulled libiconv.
> Now I get errors like:
>  # gphoto2 -l
> /usr/local/lib/libgphoto2/ Undefined symbol "__bsd_iconv_open"

>  firefox
> /usr/local/lib/firefox/ Undefined symbol "__bsd_iconv_open"

> If I delete libiconv, then I get:

>  firefox
> XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/local/lib/firefox/
> Shared object "" not found, required by ""
> Couldn't load XPCOM.

> so I probably now need to rebuild all these ports
> manually:

> [1/1] Deleting libiconv-1.14_1...
> libiconv-1.14_1 is required by: glib-2.36.3_2 gobject-introspection-1.36.0_2 libIDL-0.8.14_1 polkit-0.105_1 cairo-1.10.2_7,2 pango-1.34.1_1 consolekit-0.4.3
> librsvg2-2.36.4 gconf2-2.32.0_3, deleting anyway
> Anyway, I thought libiconv was gone for good
> from ports, as it is available in base from 10.
> I'm on 11-current, so not sure what's going on.

> Thanks

> Anton

>From other posts on emailing lists, I see libiconv from ports supports utf-8, while base (>=10) does not.

Now I want to know what would happen if I rebuild system with 
in /etc/src.conf
and use libiconv from ports.

Would it work, and would I have to rebuild all ports?

Fortunately, I am not yet very advanced in building ports for FreeBSD 10-STABLE and 11-current.

It seems including libiconv in base has adverse side effects, the two can clash when both base and ports libiconv are installed.


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