December 2014 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Dec 1 00:38:01 UTC 2014
Ending: Wed Dec 31 16:09:25 UTC 2014
Messages: 512
- xorg-fonts: fonts.dir entries missing
Ranjan1018 .
- BS 2015 - Five Days Left for Abstract Submission
BS 2015
- Email verification (LAST WARNING)
Email Administrator
- To:Forrest Aldrich v
Forrest Aldrich
- building legacy packages with poudriere ?
Shane Ambler
- Python 3 doc?
Shane Ambler
- gnomehier
Matthias Andree
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Dimitry Andric
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Dimitry Andric
- FreeBSD Ports failing to build with clang 3.5
Dimitry Andric
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Dimitry Andric
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Dimitry Andric
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Dimitry Andric
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Dimitry Andric
- [x11-wm/fvwm2] Build failure with Clang
Dimitry Andric
- [CFT] New upstream version of mplayer + mencoder
Matthias Apitz
- [CFT] New upstream version of mplayer + mencoder
Matthias Apitz
- [CFT] New upstream version of mplayer + mencoder
Matthias Apitz
- [Differential] [Request, 136 lines] D1318: Remove BSDPAN.
mat (Mathieu Arnold)
- ports back channel Re: perl5.16->5.18
Mathieu Arnold
- Spamassassin Update - fake pkg
Mathieu Arnold
- p5- ports not installing
Mathieu Arnold
- Next Perl update, and plans beyond…
Mathieu Arnold
- Re: Next Perl update, and plans beyo nd…
Mathieu Arnold
- Resetting maintainership
Mathieu Arnold
- Cannot upgrade net/freeradius2
Mathieu Arnold
- Unbound/NSD rc startup order
Mathieu Arnold
- Discrepancy in postgresql entry in UPDATING
Mathieu Arnold
- [HEADSUP]: Remove BSDPAN. (fwd)
Mathieu Arnold
- [HEADSUP]: Remove BSDPAN. (fwd)
Mathieu Arnold
- Fail to upgrade perl5-5.16 to perl5-5.18
Mathieu Arnold
- reports down?
Mathieu Arnold
- reports down?
Mathieu Arnold
- Attic URLs, eg for ports/mail/demime ?
Mathieu Arnold
- Attic URLs, eg for ports/mail/demime ?
Mathieu Arnold
- poudriere i386 jail settings
- devel/dbus no longer starts at system poweron
- devel/dbus no longer starts at system poweron
- pkg install from local poudriere repo creates links to txz
- pkg install from local poudriere repo creates links to txz
- security/dirmngr: immediately segfaults
- Audacious and GTK3
Jan Beich
- sendmail+tls+sasl2 still reported by portmaster
Rob Belics
- sendmail+tls+sasl2 still reported by portmaster
Rob Belics
- sendmail+tls+sasl2 still reported by portmaster
Rob Belics
- Undefined symbol "ppoll"
Konstantin Belousov
- [CFT] New upstream version of mplayer + mencoder
Konstantin Belousov
- [CFT] New upstream version of mplayer + mencoder
Konstantin Belousov
- [CFT] New upstream version of mplayer + mencoder
Konstantin Belousov
- www/nginx: log littering
Acheron Blackflow
- gnomehier
Warren Block
- Attic URLs, eg for ports/mail/demime ?
Warren Block
- Attic URLs, eg for ports/mail/demime ?
Warren Block
- Upgrade rainloop to 1.7.1(_1)
Loïc Blot
- Mysql Server 57
Ruud Boon
- [CFT] pkg 1.4.0 rc2
Jeffrey Bouquet
- Another pkg showstopper, breaking also portupgrade
Jeffrey Bouquet
- Another pkg showstopper-- more information
Jeffrey Bouquet
- Just a local workaround for the not-finishing "pkg install" PR 195471
Jeffrey Bouquet
- Just a *local* workaround for the "not-finishing pkg install" PR 195471
Jeffrey Bouquet
- A few Somewhat minor, for now, pkg/ports problems
Jeffrey Bouquet
- [Some VERY Solved] minor, for now, pkg/ports problems
Jeffrey Bouquet
- security/pinentry patch for WINOUT_X11 systems
Max Brazhnikov
- gnupg & pinentry
Max Brazhnikov
- gnupg & pinentry
Max Brazhnikov
- FreeBSD Ports failing to build with clang 3.5
Antoine Brodin
- autoconf & automake~pkg-renamed cruft in pkg db - how to fix?
Mike Brown
- autoconf & automake~pkg-renamed cruft in pkg db - how to fix?
Mike Brown
- ports back channel Re: perl5.16->5.18
Russell L. Carter
- hs-git-annex vs. git-subversion
Russell L. Carter
- Tracking Binary Ports/Pkgs Tree
Reed A. Cartwright
- Tracking Binary Ports/Pkgs Tree
Reed A. Cartwright
- Resetting maintainership
Pietro Cerutti
- Resetting maintainership
Pietro Cerutti
- FreeBSD Port: games/pvpgn
Karin Chale
- gnupg & pinentry
Jonathan Chen
- Spamassassin Update - fake pkg
Jos Chrispijn
- Spamassassin Update - fake pkg
Jos Chrispijn
- Port update p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.007 broken
Jos Chrispijn
- Port update p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.007 broken
Jos Chrispijn
- Port update p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.007 broken
Jos Chrispijn
- gnomehier
Jos Chrispijn
- Objections to making dumpcap setgid?
Joe Marcus Clarke
- tcpdump port version bump to 4.6.2
Matthew Closson
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Garrett Cooper
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Garrett Cooper
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
NGie Cooper
- Why was ispell removed?
Tijl Coosemans
- Why was ispell removed?
Tijl Coosemans
- Removal of XAA acceleration in, and older NVIDIA GeForce
Tijl Coosemans
- reports down?
Tijl Coosemans
- Giving Up Maintainership
Raphael Kubo da Costa
- Custom PREFIX + USE_LDCONFIG=yes creates leftovers
Raphael Kubo da Costa
- Missing
Chip Cuccio
- mail/postfix does not resolve in mysql maps
Marko Cupać
- mail/postfix does not resolve in mysql maps
Marko Cupać
- mail/postfix does not resolve in mysql maps
Marko Cupać
- mail/postfix does not resolve in mysql maps
Marko Cupać
- sysutils/boxbackup
Hrant Dadivanyan
- Shared object "" not found
Joel Dahl
- Shared object "" not found
Joel Dahl
- Why was ispell removed?
Baptiste Daroussin
- [CFT] pkg 1.4.0 rc2
Baptiste Daroussin
- [CFT] pkg 1.4.0 rc2
Baptiste Daroussin
- [CFT] pkg 1.4.0 rc2
Baptiste Daroussin
- autoconf & automake~pkg-renamed cruft in pkg db - how to fix?
Baptiste Daroussin
- sqlite error while executing DROP INDEX
Baptiste Daroussin
- broken pkg package
Baptiste Daroussin
- gnomehier
Baptiste Daroussin
- pkg: listing installed packages from a particular category
Baptiste Daroussin
- devel/dbus no longer starts at system poweron
Erich Dollansky
- poudriere testport and testing BROKEN
Bryan Drewery
- building legacy packages with poudriere ?
Bryan Drewery
- Resetting maintainership
Bryan Drewery
- Pkg 1.4.0 and packaging base system
Bryan Drewery
- pkg install from local poudriere repo creates links to txz
Bryan Drewery
- pkg 1.4.0 pkg: Cannot solve problem using SAT solver: spandsp-devel
Bryan Drewery
- pkg crashes on 9.3-RELEASE while installing tribler
Bryan Drewery
- Audacious and GTK3
Olivier Duchateau
- Pós-Graduação EPD - 2015.1
Escola Paulista de Direito - EPD
- xorg-fonts: fonts.dir entries missing
Stefan Ehmann
- Giving Up Maintainership
Lars Engels
- Locking problems in pkg makes portmaster fail
Stefan Esser
- rewrite of rmlint; port needs an update
Stefan Esser
- FreeBSD Port: audio/oss
Alejandro Estay
- Request : jkmeter-0.6.1 (a vu-meter for Jack)
Eric F
- Giving Up Maintainership
Guido Falsi
- Giving Up Maintainership
Guido Falsi
- pkg 1.4.0 pkg: Cannot solve problem using SAT solver: spandsp-devel
Guido Falsi
- multimedia/libva fails in configure stage, missing file?
Guido Falsi
- multimedia/libva fails in configure stage, missing file?
Guido Falsi
- multimedia/libva fails in configure stage, missing file?
Guido Falsi
- gnupg & pinentry
Mark Felder
- Why was ispell removed?
Stephen Fisher
- Resetting maintainership
dteske at
- FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently marked broken
linimon at
- FreeBSD ports which are currently marked broken
linimon at
- FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently scheduled for deletion
linimon at
- FreeBSD ports which are currently scheduled for deletion
linimon at
- FreeBSD ports which are currently marked forbidden
linimon at
- FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently marked broken
linimon at
- FreeBSD ports which are currently marked broken
linimon at
- FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently scheduled for deletion
linimon at
- FreeBSD ports which are currently scheduled for deletion
linimon at
- FreeBSD ports which are currently marked forbidden
linimon at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
portscout at
- Resetting maintainership
Matthew D. Fuller
- Undefined symbol "ppoll"
Andriy Gapon
- Undefined symbol "ppoll"
Andriy Gapon
- pkg upgrade gives: Assertion failed
Andriy Gapon
- pkg upgrade gives: Assertion failed
Andriy Gapon
- security/pinentry patch for WINOUT_X11 systems
Dewayne Geraghty
- Why was ispell removed?
Lowell Gilbert
- Build of "telepathy-glib" fails
Lowell Gilbert
- Build of "telepathy-glib" fails
Lowell Gilbert
- Build of "telepathy-glib" fails
Lowell Gilbert
- reports down?
Michael Gmelin
- Build of "telepathy-glib" fails
Andre Goree
- Build of "telepathy-glib" fails
Andre Goree
- Build of "telepathy-glib" fails
Andre Goree
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
John-Mark Gurney
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
John-Mark Gurney
- Next Perl update, and plans beyo nd…
Chris H
- Next Perl update, and plans beyo nd…
Chris H
- The futuire of 'interpreter-based threads' in perl
Chris H
- port www/elog
Chris H
- Resetting maintainership
Chris H
- Resetting maintainership
Chris H
- Resetting maintainership
Chris H
- hs-git-annex vs. git-subversion
Chris H
- gnupg & pinentry
Chris H
- gnupg & pinentry
Chris H
- x11-servers/xorg-vfbserver depends on x11/xkeyboard-config
Chris H
- Another pkg showstopper-- more information
Steven Hartland
- Another pkg showstopper-- more information
Steven Hartland
- Another pkg showstopper-- more information
Steven Hartland
- Difference between fetch(1) and firefox http-access
O. Hartmann
- Difference between fetch(1) and firefox http-access
O. Hartmann
- After Update today: No origin available for eigen~pkg-renamed~3FCF-3.2.2
O. Hartmann
- pkg crashes on 9.3-RELEASE while installing tribler
Hans de Hartog
- Manual deregistration and merging with pkgng
Guy Helmer
- x11-servers/xorg-vfbserver depends on x11/xkeyboard-config
John D. Hendrickson
- GSSAPILIBDIR not filled while trying to build cyrus-sasl2-gssapi
Scot Hetzel
- sendmail+tls+sasl2 still reported by portmaster
Scot Hetzel
- Unbound/NSD rc startup order
Scot Hetzel
- sendmail+tls+sasl2 still reported by portmaster
Scot Hetzel
- update libreoffice-4.3.4 to libreoffice-4.3.5 fail
Scot Hetzel
- Attic URLs, eg for ports/mail/demime ?
Scot Hetzel
- /security/openvpn-auth-ldap port
Scot Hetzel
- Abandoning mail/dbmail and mail/gmime
Alan Hicks
- Trade Forex successfully without economic data and stay calm
Paul Hoover
- Trade Forex successfully without economic data and stay calm
Dave Horsfall
- gnomehier
Dave Horsfall
- Attic URLs, eg for ports/mail/demime ?
Dave Horsfall
- mplayer doesn't compile on 10.1 i386
Henry Hu
- emulators/pipelight, BUILD_DEPENDS, and gpg2
Henry Hu
- p5- ports not installing
Xavier Humbert
- eTeX in TeXlive
Rainer Hurling
- eTeX in TeXlive
Rainer Hurling
- [SOLVED] Re: [audio/pulseaudio] no sound after update from 0.9.23 to 5.0
Rainer Hurling
- [HEADSUP]: Remove BSDPAN. (fwd)
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- Running Squeak On FreeBSD 10
- FreeBSD Port: xtrabackup-2.1.7_1
Kurt Jaeger
- misc/mc pending bugfix to #194627 and no maintainer to apply it
Kurt Jaeger
- Tomcat7: Unable to stop process (unlike tomcat6)
Kurt Jaeger
- The futuire of 'interpreter-based threads' in perl
Kurt Jaeger
- new port to commit p5-XMLRPC-Lite
Kurt Jaeger
- sysutils/boxbackup
Kurt Jaeger
- FreeBSD Port: exif-0.6.21
Kurt Jaeger
- math/atlas in poudriere ?
Kurt Jaeger
- math/atlas in poudriere ?
Kurt Jaeger
- current ports/converters/recode missing / wrong recode-3.6.tar.gz
Kurt Jaeger
- ports-mgmt/portshaker: Maintainer timeout [patch]
Kurt Jaeger
- Commit request, bug 195081
Kurt Jaeger
- Fwd: Varnish 4.2
Kurt Jaeger
- Fwd: Varnish 4.2
Kurt Jaeger
- Upgrade rainloop to 1.7.1(_1)
Kurt Jaeger
- Tomcat7: Unable to stop process (unlike tomcat6)
Mike Jakubik
- Tomcat7: Unable to stop process (unlike tomcat6)
Mike Jakubik
- Tomcat7: Unable to stop process (unlike tomcat6)
Mike Jakubik
- Building net-im/telepathy-qt4 fails
- Build of "telepathy-glib" fails
- Build of "telepathy-glib" fails
- Updating CentOS ports infrastructure
- Missing "" after updating "png"
- Unable to build webkit-gtk2
- pinentry-qt4-0.9.0_1 does not compile with libc++.
- pkg upgrade candidates not correct
Michael Jung
- nvida Go 7300 working - WAS: Removal of XAA acceleration in, and older NVIDIA GeForce
Michael Jung
Michał Jędrzejczak
- Varnish 4.2
Michał Jędrzejczak
- Fwd: Varnish 4.2
Michał Jędrzejczak
- How do I recover from misc/gnomehier removal??
SASAKI Katuhiro
- [x11-wm/fvwm2] Build failure with Clang
- new port to commit p5-XMLRPC-Lite
Vick Khera
- new port to commit p5-XMLRPC-Lite
Vick Khera
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Jung-uk Kim
- devel/libffi and lang/python34
Kubilay Kocak
- devel/libffi and lang/python34
Kubilay Kocak
- Commit request, bug 195081
Kubilay Kocak
- Commit request, bug 195081
Kubilay Kocak
- Commit request, bug 195081
Kubilay Kocak
- security/pinentry patch for WINOUT_X11 systems
Jun Kuriyama
- Resetting maintainership
Dan Langille
- pkg upgrade gives: Assertion failed
Dan Langille
- pkg upgrade gives: Assertion failed
Dan Langille
- removing a dir, regardless of content
Dan Langille
- removing a dir, regardless of content
Dan Langille
- removing a dir, regardless of content
Dan Langille
- GSSAPILIBDIR not filled while trying to build cyrus-sasl2-gssapi
Philippe Lauget
- GSSAPILIBDIR not filled while trying to build cyrus-sasl2-gssapi
Philippe Lauget
- www/webkit-gtk3 build broken on FreeBSD 8.4 and general c++ library conflicts
Don Lewis
- www/webkit-gtk3 build broken on FreeBSD 8.4 and general c++ library conflicts
Don Lewis
- pkgconf and /usr/local/lib/gcc48/
Don Lewis
- math/atlas in poudriere ?
Don Lewis
- Giving Up Maintainership
Mark Linimon
- Attic URLs, eg for ports/mail/demime ?
Mark Linimon
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Warner Losh
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Warner Losh
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Warner Losh
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Warner Losh
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Warner Losh
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Warner Losh
- Proftpd can't upload to folder named lib
Paul Macdonald
- Proftpd can't upload to folder named lib
Paul Macdonald
- pipelight-
Patrick Mackinlay
- +MANIFEST changed syntax in pkg 1.4?
Aristedes Maniatis
- +MANIFEST changed syntax in pkg 1.4?
Aristedes Maniatis
- RFT: Please help testing the llvm/clang 3.5.0 import
Dmitry Marakasov
- svn commit: r374456 - head/dns/unbound
Dmitry Marakasov
- sqlite error while executing DROP INDEX
Roger Marquis
- sqlite error while executing DROP INDEX
Roger Marquis
- sqlite error while executing DROP INDEX
Roger Marquis
- sqlite error while executing DROP INDEX
Roger Marquis
- The futuire of 'interpreter-based threads' in perl
Mark Martinec
- The future of 'interpreter-based threads' in perl
Mark Martinec
- x11/libxfce4util with unset option NLS results in GNU gettext tools not found
Mark Martinec
- Removal of XAA acceleration in, and older NVIDIA GeForce
Mark Martinec
- Removal of XAA acceleration in, and older NVIDIA GeForce
Mark Martinec
- Removal of XAA acceleration in, and older NVIDIA GeForce
Mark Martinec
- Removal of XAA acceleration in, and older NVIDIA GeForce
Mark Martinec
- Building net-im/telepathy-qt4 fails
Koop Mast
- Build of "telepathy-glib" fails
Koop Mast
- Resetting maintainership
Koop Mast
- Audacious and GTK3
Koop Mast
- VboxGtk fixes
Daniele Mazzotti
- FreeBSD Port: exif-0.6.21
James McGuire
- [HEADS UP] CentOS 6.6 is now the default Linux base.
Johannes Meixner
- Updating CentOS ports infrastructure
Johannes Meixner
- Pkg 1.4.0 and packaging base system
Jean Milanez Melo
- eTeX in TeXlive
- eTeX in TeXlive
- eTeX in TeXlive
- 2014Q4 security updates?
George Mitchell
- Thanks for 2014Q4 r374273 ...
George Mitchell
- Python 3 doc?
George Mitchell
- Python 3 doc?
George Mitchell
- Use GCC only for specific ARCH
Christoph Moench-Tegeder
- Unable to build webkit-gtk2
Christoph Moench-Tegeder
- Unable to build webkit-gtk2
Christoph Moench-Tegeder
- pkg fails on assertion
Yuri Momotiuk
- Use GCC only for specific ARCH
Daniel Morante
Adam Vande More
- gnomehier
Adam Vande More
- security/gnupg and security/signing-party without X11 -- not possible now?
Dmitry Morozovsky
- security/gnupg and security/signing-party without X11 -- not possible now?
Dmitry Morozovsky
- security/pinentry patch for WINOUT_X11 systems
Dmitry Morozovsky
- security/pinentry patch for WINOUT_X11 systems
Dmitry Morozovsky
- gnupg & pinentry
Dmitry Morozovsky
- gnupg & pinentry
Dmitry Morozovsky
- security/pinentry patch for WINOUT_X11 systems
Dmitry Morozovsky
- port www/elog
Thomas Mueller
- multimedia/libva fails in configure stage, missing file?
Thomas Mueller
- security/trousers fails claiming libtool version mismatch
Thomas Mueller
- multimedia/libva fails in configure stage, missing file?
Thomas Mueller
- multimedia/libva fails in configure stage, missing file?
Thomas Mueller
- pkg: listing installed packages from a particular category
Thomas Mueller
- dirmngr-1.1.0_12 conflicts with gnupg-2.1.0_1 (installs files into the same place)
Carmel NY
- Giving Up Maintainership
Rusty Nejdl
- Giving Up Maintainership
Rusty Nejdl
- Difference between fetch(1) and firefox http-access
Olivier Nicole
- Why was ispell removed?
Kevin Oberman
- Why was ispell removed?
Kevin Oberman
- p5- ports not installing
Kevin Oberman
- p5- ports not installing
Kevin Oberman
- Any tool known to demangle special chars in MS tree path names ?
Kevin Oberman
- Very odd message from pkg-1.4.0
Kevin Oberman
- Perl update failure
Kevin Oberman
- gnomehier
Kevin Oberman
- Emacs 24.4_4,3 does not build - png error?
Kevin Oberman
- Missing "" after updating "png"
Kevin Oberman
- pkg check -s -a output unusable/incomplete
Milan Obuch
- pkg check -s -a output unusable/incomplete
Milan Obuch
- Abandoning mail/dbmail and mail/gmime
Rodrigo Osorio
- Pkg 1.4.0 and packaging base system
Cassiano Peixoto
- poudriere: cpdup: Permission denied
Alfred Perlstein
- poudriere: cpdup: Permission denied
Alfred Perlstein
- tcpdump port version bump to 4.6.2
Chris Petrik
- update libreoffice-4.3.4 to libreoffice-4.3.5 fail
Alex V. Petrov
- Unbound/NSD rc startup order
Darren Pilgrim
- Discrepancy in postgresql entry in UPDATING
Darren Pilgrim
- Discrepancy in postgresql entry in UPDATING
Darren Pilgrim
- broken pkg package
Oliver Pinter
- Using another port Makefile's values without being a slave port?
Naram Qashat
- Difference between fetch(1) and firefox http-access
- Abandoning mail/dbmail and mail/gmime
Muhammad Moinur Rahman
- Resetting maintainership
Muhammad Moinur Rahman
- [x11-wm/fvwm2] Build failure with Clang
Florian Riehm
- svn commit: r374456 - head/dns/unbound
Ollivier Robert
- Call for Help: Setting up Saltstack for devops of cluster
Craig Rodrigues
- poudriere: cpdup: Permission denied
Craig Rodrigues
- poudriere: cpdup: Permission denied
Craig Rodrigues
- pkg 1.4.0 pkg: Cannot solve problem using SAT solver: spandsp-devel
Craig Rodrigues
- pkg 1.4.0 pkg: Cannot solve problem using SAT solver: spandsp-devel
Craig Rodrigues
- Missing "" after updating "png"
Boris Samorodov
- [CFT] New upstream version of mplayer + mencoder
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
- eTeX in TeXlive
Hiroki Sato
- GSSAPILIBDIR not filled while trying to build cyrus-sasl2-gssapi
Hiroki Sato
- FreeBSD Port: ghostscript9-9.06_8
Hiroki Sato
- Missing
Matthew Seaman
- Missing
Matthew Seaman
- After Update today: No origin available for eigen~pkg-renamed~3FCF-3.2.2
Matthew Seaman
- removing a dir, regardless of content
Matthew Seaman
- +MANIFEST changed syntax in pkg 1.4?
Matthew Seaman
- +MANIFEST changed syntax in pkg 1.4?
Matthew Seaman
- Missing
Gerard Seibert
- Missing
Gerard E. Seibert
- Missing
Gerard E. Seibert
- Missing
Gerard E. Seibert
- Fail to upgrade perl5-5.16 to perl5-5.18
Roman Serbski
- Fail to upgrade perl5-5.16 to perl5-5.18
Roman Serbski
- new "makeinfo" (texinfo-5.2.20140808) and ports with "invalid" info files
Lev Serebryakov
- reports down?
Anton Shterenlikht
- devel/libffi and lang/python34
Robert Simmons
- devel/libffi and lang/python34
Robert Simmons
- x11-servers/xorg-vfbserver depends on x11/xkeyboard-config
Robert Simmons
- x11-servers/xorg-vfbserver depends on x11/xkeyboard-config
Robert Simmons
- current ports/converters/recode missing / wrong recode-3.6.tar.gz
Dmitry Sivachenko
- mail/postfix does not resolve in mysql maps
Herbert J. Skuhra
- Why was ispell removed?
Matt Smith
- Unbound/NSD rc startup order
Matt Smith
- Unbound/NSD rc startup order
Matt Smith
- Unbound/NSD rc startup order
Matt Smith
- gnupg & pinentry
Matt Smith
- gnupg & pinentry
Matt Smith
- Any tool known to demangle special chars in MS tree path names ?
Julian H. Stacey
- Any tool known to demangle special chars in MS tree path names ?
Julian H. Stacey
- current ports/converters/recode missing / wrong recode-3.6.tar.gz
Julian H. Stacey
- current ports/converters/recode missing / wrong recode-3.6.tar.gz
Julian H. Stacey
- current ports/converters/recode missing / wrong recode-3.6.tar.gz
Julian H. Stacey
- pkg obstructed make install & delete, + pkg delete regression.
Julian H. Stacey
- Attic URLs, eg for ports/mail/demime ?
Julian H. Stacey
- Attic URLs, eg for ports/mail/demime ?
Julian H. Stacey
- Attic URLs, eg for ports/mail/demime ?
Julian H. Stacey
- building legacy packages with poudriere ?
Michelle Sullivan
- Ports changing permissions on directories
Charles Swiger
- Ports changing permissions on directories
Charles Swiger
- x11/libxfce4util with unset option NLS results in GNU gettext tools not found
Kamil Szczesny
- building legacy packages with poudriere ?
Mike Tancsa
- building legacy packages with poudriere ?
Mike Tancsa
- building legacy packages with poudriere ?
Mike Tancsa
- OpenCASCADE upgrade trouble
Thierry Thomas
- OpenCASCADE upgrade trouble
Thierry Thomas
- pkg upgrade gives: Assertion failed
Thierry Thomas
- Discrepancy in postgresql entry in UPDATING
Francois Tigeot
- Commit request, bug 195081
Christian Ullrich
- Commit request, bug 195081
Christian Ullrich
- OpenCASCADE upgrade trouble
Andrea Venturoli
- OpenCASCADE upgrade trouble
Andrea Venturoli
- OpenCASCADE upgrade trouble
Andrea Venturoli
- OpenCASCADE upgrade trouble
Andrea Venturoli
- Cannot build VTK6 on i386
Andrea Venturoli
- Ports changing permissions on directories
Andrea Venturoli
- Ports changing permissions on directories
Andrea Venturoli
- Ports changing permissions on directories
Andrea Venturoli
- Audacious and GTK3
Andrea Venturoli
- Audacious and GTK3
Andrea Venturoli
- XFCE lock screen on lid closing
Andrea Venturoli
- Building net-im/telepathy-qt4 fails
Alberto Villa
- Upgrade of mail/thunderbird fails with installed security/gnupg20
Dr. Peter Voigt
- Cannot upgrade net/freeradius2
Dr. Peter Voigt
- Emacs 24.4_4,3 does not build - png error?
Dr. Peter Voigt
- Emacs 24.4_4,3 does not build - png error?
Dr. Peter Voigt
- Ports changing permissions on directories
Sergei Vyshenski
- Ports changing permissions on directories
Sergei Vyshenski
- dirmngr-1.1.0_12 conflicts with gnupg-2.1.0_1 (installs files into the same place)
A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven
- Resetting maintainership
A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven
- removing a dir, regardless of content
A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven
- removing a dir, regardless of content
A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven
- Commit Request: Bug # 192681
A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven
- How do I recover from misc/gnomehier removal??
A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven
- gnomehier
A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven
- gnomehier
A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven
- [x11-wm/fvwm2] Build failure with Clang
A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven
- reports down?
A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven
- [x11-wm/fvwm2] Build failure with Clang
A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven
- emulators/linux_base-c6 and x11/nvidia-driver conflict
Bob Willcox
- How do I recover from misc/gnomehier removal??
Bob Willcox
- [CFT] pkg 1.4.0 rc2
Willem Jan Withagen
- Missing
David Wolfskill
- Port update p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.007 broken
David Wolfskill
- OpenCASCADE upgrade trouble
David Wolfskill
- OpenCASCADE upgrade trouble
David Wolfskill
- Turbulence using portmaster to update linux_base-c6-6.6 to linux_base-c6-6.6_1
David Wolfskill
- Port update p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.007 broken
David Wolfskill
- p5- ports not installing
David Wolfskill
- emulators/pipelight, BUILD_DEPENDS, and gpg2
David Wolfskill
- emulators/pipelight, BUILD_DEPENDS, and gpg2
David Wolfskill
- ports-mgmt/portshaker: Maintainer timeout [patch]
Simon Wright
- pkg check -s -a output unusable/incomplete
- port www/elog
Chen Xu
- port www/elog
Chen Xu
- Shared object
Georgy Yakovlev
- mplayer doesn't compile on 10.1 i386
Thomas Zander
- mplayer doesn't compile on 10.1 i386
Thomas Zander
- [CFT] New upstream version of mplayer + mencoder
Thomas Zander
- [CFT] New upstream version of mplayer + mencoder
Thomas Zander
- [CFT] New upstream version of mplayer + mencoder
Thomas Zander
- [CFT] New upstream version of mplayer + mencoder
Thomas Zander
- [CFT] New upstream version of mplayer + mencoder
Thomas Zander
- port www/elog
Torsten Zuehlsdorff
- linux_base-c6: /etc/mtab is not a symlink
- png update
mueller6726 at
- INDEX build failed for 8.x
Ports Index build
- INDEX now builds successfully on 8.x
Ports Index build
- INDEX build failed for 8.x
Ports Index build
- INDEX now builds successfully on 8.x
Ports Index build
- Updating CentOS ports infrastructure
- Resetting maintainership
- Resetting maintainership
- nvidia_sysctl.c:610:9: error: '__assert_19' declared as an array with a negative size
- poudriere ports -u, divide by zero
andrew clarke
- port www/elog
andrew clarke
- port www/elog
andrew clarke
- Shared object "" not found
andrew clarke
- FreeBSD Port: exif-0.6.21
andrew clarke
- [Bug 193394] x11-wm/ede/: ede-keyboard-conf was compiled without XKB extension.
bugzilla-noreply at
- [Bug 195798] [PATCH] devel/fb303: Fix pkg-plist
bugzilla-noreply at
- [Bug 196088] [PATCH] net/scribe Support FreeBSD 10.0+
bugzilla-noreply at
- [Bug 196088] [PATCH] net/scribe Support FreeBSD 10.0+
bugzilla-noreply at
- [Bug 196088] [PATCH] net/scribe Support FreeBSD 10.0+
bugzilla-noreply at
- Ports changing permissions on directories
olli hauer
- Attic URLs, eg for ports/mail/demime ?
olli hauer
- Attic URLs, eg for ports/mail/demime ?
olli hauer
- [Apple Store] : Your ID iTunes has been Hacked ! ✔
- rewrite of rmlint; port needs an update
christopher at
- mplayer doesn't compile on 10.1 i386
iceman250 at
- mplayer doesn't compile on 10.1 i386
iceman250 at
- mplayer doesn't compile on 10.1 i386
iceman250 at
- Problems with spampd
elof at
- /security/openvpn-auth-ldap port
nindya_ayu_w at
- misc/mc pending bugfix to #194627 and no maintainer to apply it
Viktor Štujber
Last message date:
Wed Dec 31 16:09:25 UTC 2014
Archived on: Wed Dec 31 16:09:27 UTC 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).