OCAML version 3 (legacy)

Euan Thoms euan at potensol.com
Mon Aug 11 16:10:45 UTC 2014

   I only know how to use the standard ports tree, I've never needed
   anything frmo SVN. How do I find the SVN reposistory? Please point me
   in the right direction.
   Actually I have been meaning to learn how to be a port contributor,
   since there is a couple projects I compile myself since they are not in
   the tree. Kamailio and SOGo is specific. I just haven't had time yet,
   so busy at work.
   However, I was suggesting we have a legacy port for OCAML 3.x, just
   like we have for php and other important stuff that newer versions
   breaks things.
   On Friday, August 8, 2014 05:43 SGT, Michael Grünewald
   <michipili at gmail.com> wrote:

     Hi Euan,
     I am replying to you and to the list ports at freebsd.org, because the
     question might be of general interest:
     On 7 Aug 2014, at 20:17, Euan Thoms wrote:
     > [I need to port some third party software zith OCaml 3.X].
     > Is it possible that you or somebody else could make a legacy port
     for OCAML 3.x? I would do it myself but I am not a ports
     The last revision of the ports with OCaml 3.x is 345109, did you try
     to checkout (actually svn export) that revision of the port and
     build it?
     If this breaks, maybe you will need to checkout a full port tree at
     that revision--just because of Mk/*.
     I hope this helps,

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