web application logs (Cacti)

Dennis Glatting freebsd at pki2.com
Sat Aug 9 19:14:00 UTC 2014

I am working on updating Cacti to StageDir and have a question on web
log access policies.

Cacti creates a log directory under /usr/local/share/cacti where the
poller stuffs log and other information into a file named cacti.log.
There is a .htaccess file in that directory too. The log file is
accessible though Cacti's web interface 'Console -> Utilities -> View
Cacti Log File' and displayed in a 'tail -f' related way.

Hier says /var/log/ is:

	miscellaneous system log files

What is application preferential log file locations? Follow hier or
application dependent?

Cacti also manages RRD files under /usr/local/share/cacti/rra/. Hier
says about /var/db/:

	miscellaneous automatically generated 
	system-specific database files

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