
Montgomery-Smith, Stephen stephen at missouri.edu
Tue Aug 5 17:24:20 UTC 2014

I tried version pkg-1.3.4 yesterday.  When I used pkg install to install
a preexisting package which had lots of dependencies, I would get lines
like this:

package-y: 100%
package-y: 100%
package-y: 100%

This might be when installing package-x.  That is, a dependency might be
listed up to three times, and in some cases even the base package would
never get listed.  I was assuming that the code that printed which
package was being installed was sometimes getting it wrong.  In one
case, when I was installing texlive-full, the package t1lib was listed
twice, but the second time it installed it went so slowly that it must
have been installing texlive-texmf.

Obviously this is only a cosmetic problem.  But I am curious as to
whether people are aware of this issue.

BTW - I really like the real-time counter that tells you what percentage
of a package is installed or deinstalled.

Thanks, Stephen

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