Port: net-p2p/zetacoin

Daniel Morante daniel at morante.net
Sun Apr 13 11:07:32 UTC 2014

I'm done making the update and I am generating the diff file to submit.  
I am unsure of how to generate and submit a patch for the changes in 
ports/UIDs and ports/GIDs, ports/UPDATING.

I am using the svn diff method:

On 4/13/2014 2:51 AM, Daniel Morante wrote:
> Thank you for the direction.
> I imagine that Bitcoin, Litecoin, Doggiecoin, namecoin, etc will want 
> to do something similar in the future and will add there own users to 
> the UIDs file.
> I'll create a "zetacoin" user as see if it's accepted.
> On 4/12/2014 4:41 AM, Scot Hetzel wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 6:03 PM, Daniel Morante <daniel at morante.net> 
>> wrote:
>>> I'm updating the port and at the same time making some changes to 
>>> the rc.d
>>> start up script.
>>> I have added the option to change the user that zetacoind runs as:
>>> : ${zetacoin_user="root"}
>>> : ${zetacoin_group="wheel"}
>>> zetacoin_create_datadir()
>>> {
>>>      echo "Creating data directory"
>>>      eval mkdir -p ${zetacoin_datadir}
>>>      [ $? -eq 0 ] && chown -R ${zetacoin_user}:${zetacoin_group}
>>> ${zetacoin_datadir}
>>>      ln -s ${zetacoin_datadir} /.zetacoin
>>> }
>>> I'm not sure if I should leave it defaulting to root/wheel or have 
>>> the port
>>> create a "zetacoin" user and group and have it use that to begin with.
>> It's better to have less things run as root/wheel.  Especially if the
>> zetacoind daemon can be run as a different user.
>>> Should I just let the end user make that decision?
>> The port maintainer should make this decision to switch the user/group
>> to zetacoin.
>>> The problem I see with defaulting to a "zetacoin" user is that existing
>>> installations will need to manually change the owner and group of 
>>> the data
>>> directory.
>>> Thoughts?
>> You just have to prepare a note for UPDATING that says that the
>> zetacoind daemon is now run as user zetacoin, and that existing
>> installations will need to change the owner/group to zetacoin for the
>> data directory.

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