Finding abandoned ports

Jerry jerry at
Thu Oct 31 13:39:21 UTC 2013

On Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:02:39 +0000
Alex Laurie articulated:

> Only really just getting into FreeBSD but I am inspired to help out.
> I'm not a developer or anything. However I do like to install and
> update things. I though one area I may be able to help out is in the
> ports side of things. I have been through the Porters handbook and
> thought I would try updating some out of date ports to cut my teeth
> so to speak. Looking around I don't seem to see anywhere with
> abandoned ports that need some love.

Well, if you would like somewhere to start, try this one. The
"/usr/ports/editors/texmakerx" port is very old. The actual program was
renamed on 06/15/11 to TeXstudio <>.
The latest version is 2.6.4 available on SourceForge. The maintainer of
the port has no interest in updating the port and would probably be
happy to turn it over to you. I was going to update it, but time and job
constraints are making it more difficult than I thought. Plus, with the
changes in the port's system, I just don't have the time to learn the
new protocols and get the port ready. I might be able to give you some
assistance, but that would be about it.

Jerry ♔

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