/usr/ports/UPDATING entry September 04, 2013

Guido Falsi madpilot at FreeBSD.org
Mon Oct 14 07:43:14 UTC 2013

On 10/13/13 18:40, Joe Nosay wrote:
> Will the pkg upgrade work with applications built from ports and not pkg

I'm not sure What you mean.

the "pkg upgrade" command works only using binary packages, which can 
come and "official" repository or your own one.

This is going to work.

If you have a system where you used to build packages yourself and want 
to change to binary packages, things are more complicated.

First of all if you have any port built with custom options you are 
going to loose those customizations, since the binary packages don't 
have them.

I think pkg will try to handle that upgrade but I have never tried, it 
could work but you could also end up with come misalignment in your ports.

It is generally not a good idea to mix ports and pkgs, it can work but 
problems will come up.

Guido Falsi <madpilot at FreeBSD.org>

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