stagedir vs. jail

Ekkehard Gehm freebsd at
Sun Oct 13 11:05:20 UTC 2013


I resently have some problems installing/updating ports. The main problem is that the stagedir path is somehow messed up.

The system is running FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE-p6 and I'm working in a jail. While building it creates the stagedir in /s/portbuild/usr/ports/...../usr/local/
BUT: When it comes to the pkg building it suddently is looking in .../usr-local/.. witch acctualy is a part of the symlink. (In the jail /usr/local is a symlink to /s/usr-local). Resulting in an failure. 

The only workiaround  is disabling stage completly thru make.conf...
As this is very quick'n'dirty I wonder if there is any other solution!

Ekkehard Gehm           *       mailto:gehm at
Doom-Labs Inc.          *
Frag Content            *       PGP-Key:

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