Messages while (re)installing portupgrade

Bryan Drewery bdrewery at
Thu Oct 10 02:11:32 UTC 2013

On 10/9/2013 6:35 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
> Because I just switched from ruby1.8 to ruby1.9 I've had to
> rebuild and reinstall my ports-mgmt/portupgrade port.  That all
> went well, but I got some messages at the end of the re-install
> process that I've never noticed before, and they are all rather
> befuddling to me:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>       Fill ALT_PKGDEP section in pkgtools.conf file for portupgrade to be
>       aware of alternative dependencies you use.
>       E.g.
>       ALT_PKGDEP = {
>         # Use the -nox11 port when another port depends on category/portexample
>         'category/portexample' => 'category/portexample-nox11',
>       }
>       Note also, portupgrade knows nothing about how to handle ports with
>       different suffixes (E.g. -nox11). So you should explicitly define
>       variables (E.g. WITHOUT_X11=yes) for the ports in /etc/make.conf or
>       pkgtools.conf (MAKE_ARGS section) files.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I have no idea what any of the above means.  Should I be at all concerned?

This has been here for many years. You can safely ignore this. It is
just a way to override port dependencies if you want without needing to
modify the port files.

> Where exactly is this alleged "pkgtools.conf" file.  I looked in /etc.
> It ain't there.  I've never even heard of it until today.

portupgrade supports a config file in /usr/local/etc/pkgtools.conf

> I grok the general idea that there may be a file someplace (called
> "pkgtools.conf") wherein one may explicitly override various otherwise
> hardwired inter-port dependencies, but what has that got to do with
> me?
> I _do_ use X, so none of the rest of this stuff seems the least bit
> relevant to anything I am doing.  Am I perhaps mistaken?

Bryan Drewery

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