[QAT] r329446: 1x leftovers, 3x success

Ports-QAT qat at redports.org
Sat Oct 5 13:03:19 UTC 2013

- Update to version 0.8.6
- Fix build on current
- Allow parallel builds


- SMPlayer can now update its internal Youtube code so it's not necessary to
  update smplayer everytime Youtube makes a change.
- A section "Updates" has been added to the preferences dialog, where it's
  possible to configure or disable the update checker.
- SMPlayer could still fail to find some subtitles from opensubtitles.org.
  Hopefully this is fixed.
- Several other bugfixes.

PR:		ports/181408
Submitted by:	myself
Approved by:	maintainer timeout

  Build ID:          20131005120800-51168
  Job owner:         pawel at FreeBSD.org
  Buildtime:         55 minutes
  Enddate:           Sat, 05 Oct 2013 13:03:14 GMT

  Revision:          r329446
  Repository:        https://svnweb.freebsd.org/ports?view=revision&revision=329446


    Port:            multimedia/smplayer 0.8.6

      Buildgroup:     9.1-QAT/amd64
      Buildstatus:   LEFTOVERS
      Log: https://qat.redports.org//~pawel@FreeBSD.org/20131005120800-51168-202684/smplayer-0.8.6.log

      Buildgroup:     9.1-QAT/i386
      Buildstatus:   SUCCESS
      Log: https://qat.redports.org//~pawel@FreeBSD.org/20131005120800-51168-202685/smplayer-0.8.6.log

      Buildgroup:     8.4-QAT/amd64
      Buildstatus:   SUCCESS
      Log: https://qat.redports.org//~pawel@FreeBSD.org/20131005120800-51168-202686/smplayer-0.8.6.log

      Buildgroup:     8.4-QAT/i386
      Buildstatus:   SUCCESS
      Log: https://qat.redports.org//~pawel@FreeBSD.org/20131005120800-51168-202687/smplayer-0.8.6.log

Buildarchive URL: <https://qat.redports.org/buildarchive/20131005120800-51168>
redports <https://qat.redports.org/>

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