Freddie Cash fjwcash at
Fri Oct 4 22:19:56 UTC 2013

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Paul Schmehl <pschmehl_lists at>wrote:

> From my reading it appears that one of the goals of STAGE is to allow
>> users
> to build and install ports under their UID.  Are the perms in /usr/ports
> changing?

​You've always been able to build ports as non-root, so long as you set
WRKDIRPREFIX and DISTDIR to something you can write to.

You've never been able to install ports as non-root.

What the STAGE support stuff does is allow you to build _packages_ as

Previously, to build a package, you first had to install the port (as
root), then build the package (as non-root), then uninstall the port (as

Now, you build the port (as non-root), install into the staging directory
(as non-root), and make the package based on that (as non-root).

​IOW, root is only needed to install the package onto the destination
system.​  It's not needed on the build system.

Freddie Cash
fjwcash at

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