OCaml 4?

Michael Grünewald michael.grunewald at laposte.net
Wed Nov 6 19:38:08 UTC 2013

Hi Rui!

Sorry that I did not take time to answer your previous EMail. It seems
you did not check outstanding PRs or overlooked this one:


In short, there is a candidate upgrade in the ports, since quite a
while.  While I did not hear anything from committer, I probably need to
fix that STAGE thing before the port gets checked in.

Rui Paulo wrote:
> Any plans to upgrade OCaml in FreeBSD ports?  If you don't have time, I might take a stab at it.

Three side notes:

- https://bitbucket.org/michipili/ports-bsd is a bitbucket repo where I
push my (mostly OCaml) FreeBSD ports before they went in the repo tree.
If you already have a bitbucket account, consider following this repo to
get updates. You may check this out if you want to try the port, your
feedback would be welcome.

- https://bitbucket.org/michipili/bsdmakepscripts is a bitbucket repo
for BSD Makefiles useful to develop with OCaml. (Shameless promotion!)

- It is best to use open channel (like the freebsd-ports@ mailing list),
because it is archived and indexed, so people sharing your concern get a
chance to find your question and my answer.

Best regards,

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