New port: security/python-gnupg simple python wrapper for gnupg

Kyle Williams willikyl at
Fri May 31 06:39:59 UTC 2013


python-gnupg is a python wrapper for the gnupg library. It is a separate
project from py-gnupg, but offers similar functionality. You can read
more about it here:

Here's some example code just for the fun of it:

#!/usr/bin/env python2
import gnupg
from os import popen

gnupgDir = "/home/user/.gnupg"
encryptedFile = "/home/user/fake.gpg"

gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome=gnupgDir)
stream = open(encryptedFile, "rb")
decryptedData = str(gpg.decrypt_file(stream)).split()

- Kyle
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