shells/bash: Options slightly confusing

Michael Gmelin freebsd at
Thu May 30 11:34:37 UTC 2013


Since shells/bash has been converted to OptionsNG the following new
options show up:

[x] COLONBREAKSWORDS  Colons break words
[x] IMPLICITCD        Use directory name alone to cd into it

both enabled by default. This does not change the previous behaviour of
the port, when those were hidden in the Makefile.

This confused me for a sec, since the option descriptions make it sound
like the behaviour of bash is actually changed quite dramatically, even
though those are added as features which then have to be activated
through configuration.

I think it would be better to mark those explicitly as features, e.g.:

[x] COLONBREAKSWORDS  Support shopt "Colons break words"
[x] IMPLICITCD        Support shopt "Use directory name alone to cd into

I assume there are better ways to make this clear. It might even
make sense to have a basic distinction on the ports system level -
options that provide additional features vs. options that
change the (default) behavior of the port.


Michael Gmelin

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