JVM panic when build openjdk7 on private FreeBSD 8.2

Chris Rees crees at FreeBSD.org
Wed May 29 17:43:16 UTC 2013

On 29 May 2013 09:28, Peter Xu <xzpeter at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, all,
> I got strange issue when trying to build opendjk7 using ports utility on a
> private-built FreeBSD 8.2 system. Here is the output of make:

I'm going to suggest that you upgrade to FreeBSD 8.3-- it's not a big
jump, so it shouldn't break anything.

Unfortunately ports can't be tested on unsupported versions, and 8.3
has been out over a year now.

However, I've added java@ in case they have any suggestions.


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