using ports or gems (easy_install)

joris dedieu joris.dedieu at
Wed May 29 07:12:00 UTC 2013

2013/5/28 Albert Shih <Albert.Shih at>:
> Hi everybody,
> I would like to known how you manage your gem (ruby) or easyinstall
> (python). Do you use ports ? or directly gems or easyinstall ? or both ?
> For exemple when you want install some software with lots of dependances
> you can use (if the software use easy_install) just one easy_install and
> everything is installed, you can use ports for some packages but sometime
> not every packages are in the ports so you should need to installed it
> through easy_install.
> After that same question about updating....
> So what you do ? And why ?

I  never ever mix ports and non ports.

If I need specific, I use virtual contexts like  virtualenv, RVM or
perlbrew. This way, I can :

- upgrade the ports without breaking end user application (only have
to take care of shared libs).
- install specific versions required by specific software with cpan, gem, pip
- install several versions of modules and interpreter on the same server


> Regards.
> --
> Albert SHIH
> DIO bâtiment 15
> Observatoire de Paris
> 5 Place Jules Janssen
> 92195 Meudon Cedex
> France
> Téléphone : +33 1 45 07 76 26/+33 6 86 69 95 71
> xmpp: jas at
> Heure local/Local time:
> mar 28 mai 2013 09:36:34 CEST
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