The vim port needs a refresh

John Marino freebsdml at
Tue May 28 06:04:04 UTC 2013

On 5/28/2013 02:44, Martin Wilke wrote:
> On the first note, complain about the patches to the upstream, not to us. This patches problem has been around since forever and so long the upstream
> is not changing anything about it, nor do we.

Hi Martin,
This statement is hand-waives the entire discussion, which took as a 
*given* that upstream is the problem who crazy policies will not change. 
  I already said that "95%" of the blame (probably more) should get 
allocated there.

The whole discussion started because upstream will clearly not change.

About rolling your own distfile, I completely disagree because we do not 
know what the maintaner has changed,
> and seeing it from the security view, I prefer to get all my patches from the original mirrors.

1. Yes, some amount of trust is necessary but hopefully we don't have 
maintainers that aren't trusted.

2. A trivial script can verify the roll-up contains only official 
patches, which could be executed by the committer prior to committing 
changes to distfile.  That's a pretty easy "security" issue to address.

I get your point but that issue could be solved.

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