The vim port needs a refresh

John Marino freebsdml at
Mon May 27 20:34:08 UTC 2013

On 5/27/2013 22:09, RW wrote:
> On Mon, 27 May 2013 20:38:11 +0200
> John Marino wrote:
> No, that's something you just made up. It is however vague and
> anecdotal. We have only one data point that we know is from this year
> and not self-inflicted, even if the others are, for all we know it
> could still be fast most of the time.
> Some monitoring would be useful.

However you slice it, a distinfo file with 1000+ entries is completely 
absurd.  95% of the blame goes to Vim developers.  However, it is within 
the realm of feasibility to pre-package patches in batches of 100 (or 
conversely 1 tarball of patches rolled for every time patch count hits 
multiple of 100).

At the very, very least maybe only HTTP hosts are listed for VIM (I just 
checked, the ftp sites are all at the end of the list now)

It looks like some of this was addressed in January though:
Revision 309899 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Modified Thu Jan 3 17:38:30 2013 UTC (4 months, 3 weeks ago) by rm
File length: 63730 byte(s)
Diff to previous 309846
- sync list of vim mirrors with official list on
- remove dead vim sites
- remove vim sites with missing files
- remove slow vim sites (> 10 seconds to serve a file) after repeated
   complaints by blakkheim (I'm not sure what's that)
PR:		174875
Submitted by:	4721 at

I may have still been on the old with a site > 10 seconds 
per file.  (this is yet another data point) so maybe the situation is 
much better now.

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