The vim port needs a refresh

Chris Rees crees at
Sat May 25 08:51:22 UTC 2013

On 24 May 2013 22:23, Kenta Suzumoto <kentas at> wrote:
> Hello all. The editors/vim port is currently a mess and needs some changes.
> - It fetches almost 700 patches from what seems like a dial-up connection in AUSTRALIA.
> You might as well be downloading a 1080p movie from a rock in the north pole, because that's about how fast it is.
> This can be very easily avoided by putting all the patches into a single tarball and hosting it anywhere decent. I've
> seen someone in ##freebsd on freenode handing out a tarball with all the patches many times, and everyone asks
> "why isn't this the default? why is some random guy giving me distfiles?" etc. Seems like a no-brainer.
> - By default, it builds lots of gui stuff that certainly almost no one wants
> It almost seems like the vim-lite port should be renamed vim and the vim port should be renamed gvim. I had to
> google to come up with this solution, because I can't even disable that stuff in "make config" (another problem!)
> .if ${.CURDIR}=="/usr/ports/editors/vim"
> WITHOUT_X11=yes
> .endif
> People shouldn't have to find this hack to be able to install vim normally (and no, telling them to use vim-lite isn't normal).
> I'm surprised that none of these changes have been made yet. I've heard it's "because the maintainer won't listen to reason"
> but I have no way to know if that's the case or not. I also heard bapt@ had an optionsNG patch that he wouldn't
> integrate into the port for some reason. Please, let's get this stuff fixed once and for all. None of it requires a large amount
> of work on anyone's part.

I'm very sad to talk of a fellow developer like this, but I'm afraid
the maintainer of vim is a contrarian who thinks he knows better than
everyone else on the matter.

For years, people have been begging him to get over his fear of
OPTIONS, and he sits in the way of progress against almost everyone's

He has also impeded progress on the bash port, resulting in the
ridiculous situation where we now have two bash ports, where one will
do.  For historical reasons, people seem reluctant to confront him
about this, and he ignores all attempts to reason about it.

It's far beyond time to remove David O'Brien from MAINTAINER lines--
he doesn't do the job properly anyway; several PRs he's timed out on
for his ports:

Last time I timed him out on a PR I was subjected to a tirade from
him, with questionable justification, but I may process these too when
I have time.

Alternatively, perhaps we need an editors/vim-options port????


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