Proposal: do not show up the dialog(1) by default?

Florent Peterschmitt florent at
Thu May 23 14:50:50 UTC 2013

Le 23/05/2013 08:36, Xin Li a écrit :
> On 5/22/13 10:45 PM, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
>> hi,
>> A lot of people seems to be complaining about the configuration
>> dialog popping up all the time.
>> What if we change the default behaviour to not pop up the dialog
>> each time there is a changed option but only when the user
>> explicitly type make config?
>> Just a proposal, please give your opinion.
>> Of course make config-recursive behaviour won't change.
> I think this would be a good idea.  If the a majority of users need to
> change default options, then the default should be changed.
> Not really related to the dialog, but maybe, I mean maybe, we can
> teach package tools to just go ahead download and install package, if
> the options being chosen matches the package options, if the host
> system meets certain criteria (e.g. is a supported release or
> -CURRENT) and the package is available?
> Another idea is to collect the options from user, and send it as a
> feedback (the user have reviewed the default and either accepted it,
> or have changed).  This would help port maintainers to decide which
> options should be made default, etc.

What you're thinking about is a sort of intelligent dialog ?

In my opinion, dialog should *not* pop-up and take options like this:

* A default option changed by user has changed -> take user's one
* All default options unchanged by user        -> take new defaults

And we should let user the choice of the behavior.

Also give an automated feedback to default options is not a bad idea.

> Cheers,

Florent Peterschmitt           |  /"\ ASCII Ribbon Campaign
florent at        |  \ / - No HTML/RTF in E-mail
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