[patch included] teTeX and TeXLive

Hiroki Sato hrs at FreeBSD.org
Sat May 18 22:09:14 UTC 2013

"Christopher J. Ruwe" <cjr at cruwe.de> wrote
  in <20130518025801.0659b2ac at dijkstra.cruwe.de>:

cj> I have included the patches, they are rather trivial, although, I
cj> think, dirty. I have also included a complete logfile of a failed
cj> build for tex-formats.

 Where is the log file?

 What I need to investigate here is a build+install log for
 print/texlive-base on your environment.  Running texconfig rehash in
 pre-install just hides your error and makes another problem.

-- Hiroki
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