[patch included] teTeX and TeXLive

Christopher J. Ruwe cjr at cruwe.de
Thu May 16 22:11:57 UTC 2013

On Fri, 17 May 2013 00:32:58 +0900 (JST)
Hiroki Sato <hrs at FreeBSD.org> wrote:

> David Demelier <demelier.david at gmail.com> wrote
>   in
> <CAO+PfDe0nEdG=6ZVncE90kTjsY4jyrk9jR1PMFbAwrBJ5CbJAw at mail.gmail.com>:
> de> 2013/5/12 Florent Peterschmitt <florent at peterschmitt.fr>:
> de> > Le 11/05/2013 20:36, Hiroki Sato a écrit :
> de> >> Hello,
> de> >>
> de> >>  As you already noticed, TeXLive ports have been imported and
> de> >> one can choose teTeX or TeXLive while the default value for
> de> >> pre-compiled packages is still teTeX.
> de> >>
> de> >>  If you want to use TeXLive, please try to use the following
> de> >> knob:
> de> >>
> de> >>  TEX_DEFAULT= texlive
> de> >>
> de> >>  To do this, almost all of ports which use TeX will depend on
> de> >> TeXLive. Although some ports which install a new TeX macro
> de> >> package may not work because of incompatibility such as
> de> >> difference of directory structure between the two, ones which
> de> >> use TeX for typesetting should work fine.  Ones to install
> de> >> macro packages which were non-standard in teTeX but are
> de> >> included in TeXLive will be fixed or removed.
> de> >>
> de> >>  Please test TeXLive and send your failure report to me.  Once
> de> >> it is confirmed that TEX_DEFAULT=texlive works, I will switch
> de> >> the default value from tetex to texlive at some point.
> de> >>
> de> 
> de> Thank you very much, however I have a install failure on poudriere
> de> with ports tree up to date 5 minutes ago:
>  Thank you for your report.  I have received several reports about
>  install failures on poudriere and am investigating them.
> -- Hiroki


I had exactly the same issue. I have a manual solution so far and am
trying out the automation from ports. I am posting my progress hoping
to save someone some time.

I reproduced the issue in an empty poudriere jail. After installing
print/texlive-base and print/texlive-texmf via pkg add and

$> cd /usr/ports/print/tex-formats
$> make
$> make install

yields (taken only the last bit)

---Begin OPTIONS List---
---End OPTIONS List---
=======================<phase: check-config >==========================
=======================<phase: fetch        >==========================
===> Fetching all distfiles required by tex-formats-20120701 for building
=======================<phase: checksum     >==========================
===> Fetching all distfiles required by tex-formats-20120701 for building
=======================<phase: extract      >==========================
===> Fetching all distfiles required by tex-formats-20120701 for building
===>  Extracting for tex-formats-20120701
=======================<phase: patch        >==========================
===>  Patching for tex-formats-20120701
=======================<phase: configure    >==========================
===>  Configuring for tex-formats-20120701
=======================<phase: build        >==========================
=======================<phase: run-depends  >==========================
=======================<phase: install-mtree>==========================
=======================<phase: install      >==========================
===>  Installing for tex-formats-20120701
===>   Generating temporary packing list
===>  Checking if print/tex-formats already installed
tcfmgr: config file `tcfmgr.map' (usually in $TEXMFMAIN/texconfig) not found (ls-R missing?).
fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found.
*** [do-fmtutil-amstex] Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/print/tex-formats.


$> texconfig rehash
$> make install 

solves the issue.

I suspect my approach to constitute a dirty hack, but for the time
being, I have added "texconfig rehash" as a post-install target to

Compiling has started, I am off to bed now and will report tomorrow.

Hope to save some people some time, even if what I am doing is
actually not quite right.

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root at darkstar:/usr/obj/pcbsd-build90/fbsd-source/9.1/sys/GENERIC 
Punctuation matters:
"Lets eat Grandma or Lets eat, Grandma" - Punctuation saves lives.
"A panda eats shoots and leaves" or "A panda eats, shoots, and leaves" -
Punctuation teaches proper biology.
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